Tonight (Part Two): A Moment of Weakness

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Kylo crosses his arms, his broad shoulders lifting. "FN-2187 left the First Order. He stole a TIE Fighter and aided a prisoner in escape, a pilot with sensitive information."

It takes me a moment to realize he's talking about Finn, who escaped from Starkiller Base. I decide to let him talk, and not interrupt. I keep my eyes focused on a candle nearby.

"He was different than the other Stormtroopers," Kylo continues. "He didn't shoot the civilians... when I gave the order."

"Well, can you blame him? Who would want to follow an order like that?" I say, unable to help myself.

"When we came to Takodana, where we found you and Finn and ..." He stops and I know he was about to say his father. Han was there at Maz's castle too. Kylo frowns. "Finn had no trouble shooting the other Stormtroopers, those he'd trained with and spent a lot of time with on Starkiller Base."

"Finn's a good man-"

"He lied to you about being with the Resistance. He's a coward and a liar."

I grab my light saber which I keep tucked in my sock when I'm not wearing my belt. It lights up instantly in my hand, almost hitting Kylo in the forehead. He scoots back just in time.

"Finn didn't kill civilians for sport," I growl between clenched teeth.

Kylo's eyes glow with the reflection of my light saber. "I don't either," he says. "It's for a purpose."

"So you're telling me it's all just perspective? The bad guys are good in their own eyes?"

"And the good guys are bad in our eyes," he adds.

I shake my head. "No, you kill innocent civilians."

"So does the Resistance. Stormtroopers aren't robots, they're humans, fighting for the side they think is right, the side that they believe will keep order in the Galaxy. They have faith in the First Order, enough to fight and die for it."

I shake my head. He's confusing me. "No," I say, taking a swing at him. He blocks my attack with the Force, stopping my hand from coming down. The light saber is strong and he can only predict my moves for so long before I slice him.

"You're the one who's a liar," I say. "And you're evil." I tighten my grip on the handle of my light saber.

"I may be evil," he says, his expression growing dark, "but at least I'm honest about it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've seen your thoughts, Rey-"

I thrust my light saber at his chest and he rolls out of the way, leaving me to burn the bed sheets instead. Turning around I go after him for another attack but now he's got his light saber too and he fights me off.

"You had no right to go through my memories," I yell, scattering bowls and plates by accident as I swing at him. Kylo fends off my blows but doesn't attack back.

"Nor you mine," he says calmly.

"I hate you!" I scream, swinging harder. 

Kylo grabs my wrist, holding my light saber away from him. "I don't need to read your mind to know that's not true." He forces me backwards and I hold my ground until my legs hit the side of the bed and I fall back onto it.

Kylo he pins me down, holding my wrist above my head. My light saber drops from my hand, rolling to the ground. He loosens his grip, but I can't get out from under him. Unwanted tears swell in my eyes.

"Maybe I feel a lot different about you now, since you last read my mind," I retaliate, but my voice trembles despite my efforts to keep it steady.

A Reylo Romance: "Don't be Afraid, I Feel it Too"Where stories live. Discover now