Ahch-To, Part 2

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I sit up slowly, my aching muscles telling me this is all too real. I look around for BB-8 but she's not by the bench. I jump up and whip around, looking in every direction, my tiredness completely forgotten. "BB-8!"

"She's not here," Kylo says. His presence penetrates my very being. I don't turn to look at him.

"You can't be here," I say. "And what do you mean BB-8 is gone?"

"Droids don't dream," Kylo says.

I turn to face him. "Dream?"

He smiles and my heart aches. Tears rush to my eyes, making them burn. I've never seen Kylo's expression so calm. He comes closer, the fog moving around his cape as he walks. He steps out from the shadows. He's not wearing his back uniform but a dark blue one instead. The colour contrasts with his pale complexion and dark hair, making him look all the more striking.

His glance travels over me and suddenly my night gown feels invisible. I hug my arms around my chest and look down. But I'm not wearing my sleeping gown, rather, an evening gown that flows around me, also a midnight blue colour, like Kylo's. It reflects the dim light in the room, making the fabric sparkle like twinkling starlight.

I run my hand over the dress. "I don't understand," I whisper. "I'm quite certain I'm awake."

Kylo closes the gap between us and takes my hand in his. It feels warm and familiar to touch.

"This is a different kind of dream," he says, his eyes searching mine. "We're in it together."

I have to know more. I have to know what he's thinking, what he means by all this. I close my eyes and center in on the Force inside of me. It gets easier each time I use it. But now it isn't even there. I let out a small gasp. There's no Force, no power, nothing... I open my eyes wide.

Kylo rests his hands on my shoulders and leans his forehead against mine. I tense up and my heart races at how close we are.

"I can't read you," I say.

"You don't need to," Kylo whispers, his breath against my cheek. "You're inside my mind."

"Or you're inside mine," I say.

Kylo straightens and looks around the spacious room. "I've never seen this place before."

I blink, trying to imagine a reality outside of this one, more real than this moment, but I can't. How will I ever wake, if I feel more awake here than in the real world?

"I'm not going to tell you where I am," I say.

"I won't ask you to." Kylo offers his hand to me and I take it. He's not smiling anymore as he leads me to a curtain that wasn't there before, with bright lights behind it. I squint as we near it. He moves the curtain aside and I look in.

I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. The doctors in the room don't take any notice of us. They're operating on a patient, in a very sterile looking room. The patient is Kylo. I turn away, shutting my eyes tight.

"It looks worse than it really is," Kylo says beside me. The bright lights of the surgical room fade away behind my closed eyelids and darkness settles around us again.

I open my eyes. The hospital room is gone and the dining room is as well. We're in Kylo's cave again on Yavin_4 now. Candles dance in the cool breeze coming from the cave entrance. The sweet musky smell of Yavin_4 brings back a wave of memories. Everything is exactly as I remember it, even the unwashed bowls with traces of our last bread pudding breakfast left in them.

A Reylo Romance: "Don't be Afraid, I Feel it Too"Where stories live. Discover now