Chapter 27 - Never Let Go

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Blame Nessa and Thomas for distracting me while I was trying to write this :P

Nessa get's the dedication because I am STILL laughing about last night haha....

oh and ignore all errors lol

(Dougy's POV)

Pushing the door open with a bit more force than what was necessary; it banged loudly against the wall and caused a few drunken heads close by to turn my way. One angry glance in their directions had them facing back to their half drunk drinks on the bar before them and drowning their sorrows.

Scrunching my nose up with slight disgust at them because I can guarantee they wouldn’t even know what the true meaning of sorrow is - try going almost a year with everyone telling you that your only sister is dead. That’s true sorrow.

Turning away from them, I let my eyes adjust to the smoky air that lingered in the shady bar as I scanned the place for the others. It didn’t take too long since Phil could stand out in a crowd of a million people with his overly loud voice.

Then the fact that Jeff looked like he was ready to kill a few people, maybe pull his guns out and go all suicidal crazy on everyone in the place...which meant the tables all around them were free of people

Baden was just leaning back in his chair, sipping at his drink slowly as he stared vacantly off into space with a frown - I don’t even want to guess what is running through his mind. Though I do often wonder if he is thinking of Leila, if he believes she is dead and the fact that I know she isn’t makes me feel a tad bit guilty. But stuff him, she's my sister and she asked me to not say anything even though she knows he is alive.

Leila must have a good reason to avoid contacting him - the man she supposedly loves. Maybe she doesn’t love him anymore. Or maybe he has done something recently to stop her from loving him, maybe he has double crossed us all somehow and only she knows about it.


My eyes snapped from Baden's brooding face to Phil's questioning one. Jeff glanced at me with a small hopeful expression but the second I shook my head just a little, it fell and the anger replaced it immediately as his fist slammed down onto the table with brute force. Baden jumped from shock as he snapped out of his daydreaming and glared a little in Jeff’s direction before looking away again.

Jeff wasn’t taking Amberly’s disappearance very well and I admit that I wasn’t either. Pulling back an empty chair as I caught the eye of the bartender and ordered a drink, I sat down with a slump and faced Phil, “Guessing you all have nothing as well?”

Phil nodded slowly as he furrowed his eyebrows, “It’s like she just vanished into thin air, no one knows anything.”

“What about her car? Did anyone find that?”

He shook his head slowly again, “Nope, that’s vanished too.”

That wasn’t a good sign; most normal kidnappers don’t take the entire car with them as well. That’s one way how we usually manage to find her again – is by starting at the place she disappeared from.

Jeff slammed the table again, his anger radiating from every pore on his body as he glared furiously at nothing in particular. The glasses on the table rattled and Phil’s spilled over a little bit before he swooped it up and saved his drink.

“I’m going to kill the bastard that has her,” he growled wrathfully and for a split second I pitied the fool who had taken her or anyone else who has anything to do with her disappearing but then I shook that feeling away because they bloody deserve everything Jeff gives to them.

Never Let Go - (Book 2 of NBTSA)Where stories live. Discover now