Chapter 38 - Never Let Go

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~ ~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~ ~

Landing down hard on the soles of my feet, I cringed and clenched my teeth together at the same time. Dropping to the side and rolling my body along the rough cement, in my attempt to lessen the impact of my fall, my mind was in frenzy. Pain was screaming at me from all over my body, particularly from my right shoulder where a little metal bullet is lodged in my skin – if they guy had been standing closer, it would gone right on through.

I'm not sure which option I would prefer, probably the less painful one.

Opening my eyes as I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed myself back up to my feet with my hands, I turned and looked all around me, my heavy breathing echoing loudly in my ears as tears brimmed my eyes.

This was all wrong, all so very, very wrong.

There were no goodbyes this time; I didn’t get to have my parting words with my big brother or his reassurance that everything was going to be alright. I didn’t have Baden by my side and I was currently weapon-less. I couldn’t have planned a more disastrous event if I had tried.

“Keep going!” Mia roared at me, “They’re gaining on us!”

Turning to face her as everything all around me slowed down, I took in her wide eyes and determined features, knowing she was going to get through this and complete what we came here for – she was going to have Blaze’s head on a big fat stick, even if it was the last thing she did.

Which is something I'm even more determined to not allow happen.

Mia ran towards me, her long red hair blowing angrily behind her as the empty belts rose and fell against her body with each step she took. Turning my gaze away from her, I looked behind her to see about ten dark figures running out from behind a large cargo crate, flashes of white light continuously going off as they fired their ammo in our direction with the intent to kill.

Along with the intent to claim the generous bounty, that has been placed on our heads, by the one and only Blaze Sepias.

“Leila!” Mia’s muffled voice screamed again as pain erupted in my thigh. Scrunching my eyes shut tight as I gasped loudly, ignoring the sick sensation swirling in the pit of my stomach. One hand lowered to touch my leg, causing more pain as I slowly looked down to see a dark colour seeping through and staining my jeans.

“Run!” Mia screamed again, and I looked back up at her, the world harshly coming back to life and I spun on my heels and took off running as she grabbed the back of my shirt, yanking me forward to keep up with her.

The past few hours have been hell.

The four of us stood inside an open cargo crate, not one of us speaking as we loaded our guns up bullets or shells and piled as many weapons as we possibly could onto our bodies. Mia was strapping daggers to every inch of free skin she could find, her eyes hard with a blank look in them also.

She had barely spoken more than two words to me since I got the message from Darcy and I was beginning to doubt my reasoning as to why I even asked for her help. I know Mia well enough to know it’s nor regret keeping her silent, it’s the unknown.

The unknown of who will and won’t make it out alive tonight.

She is trying to distant herself emotionally, so it won’t get in her way. Therefore, she won’t have anyone but herself to worry about and take care of. It’s a smart choice, but it’s not the option I chose. I was going in full of raw angered emotions.

Never Let Go - (Book 2 of NBTSA)Where stories live. Discover now