Contest Winner and Author's Note

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Thank you all so much for entering in the ‘Let’s Appreciate Luna’ contest!  (It’s not really called that, but I thought it sounded spiffy. xD)  It was so fun to read all of your entries!  Every single one was different and interesting.

There was one line I wanted to quote from @haygurl98, even though her entry wasn’t the winner.  “She [Luna] taught me when others think I’m weak, I just have to show them how I’m strong.”

Thank you for all of the entries!  All of you had such beautiful words to say about Luna.

Congratulations to @RavenTheKitteh for winning!  As you all might have seen, the final chapter of “Luna Lovegood” was dedicated to them.  Now, here is their entry:

“Luna’s a good role model, because she doesn’t care what others think of her.  She expresses herself in the clothes she wears—although Luna’s a pureblood, she wears Muggle clothes, and with accessories—her butterbeer cork necklace and radish earrings.

We can all learn a little from Luna Lovegood’s character.  She’s not afraid to be herself, and she doesn’t let other people’s words get her down.

Also, Luna is never mad. She's never angry at anybody, no matter what. And she doesn't dislike any creature, because she believes that everything has a right to exist.”



My dear fans, lovers of Luna, Potterheads, outcasts, misfits, lonely, lovely ones, writers, readers, and all the in between,

I love you all more than these words on your screen can say.  You have stuck with me through so much, stuck with Luna, too.  Luna’s one to persevere; she would be so proud of you for staying with her through the slow updates, short chapters, and a sometimes lazy writer.

My intention when I first decided to write this story was just to tell one of my favorite stories from my favorite character’s perspective.  I was a lot younger then (2011, can you believe it?  Nope, I can’t either).  I don’t know if you guys could tell, but my writing definitely changed throughout the story.  Hopefully it’s more mature now.  My intentions for this story have changed as well.  I began writing it to give Luna a voice, and through Luna, to give myself a voice.  Luna is probably my favorite character because I can see so much of myself in her.  Yet at the same time, she has inspired me to open up and show the world the ‘me’ I’ve been holding under lock and key.  She has taught me so much; it has been an honor for me to be able to share her store and give it to you all.

This has certainly been a journey.  I couldn’t have done it alone.  Thanks so much to Ilana who helped me edit some of the earlier chapters and introducing me to Wattpad AND the Harry Potter series.  Believe it or not, I was reluctant to read the books at first.  But once I started, I couldn’t stop.

And let me give a quick shout out to all the girls who’ve told me they were Luna for Halloween one year or another.  I was her last year, too.  Even attempted to make my own spectra specs.  Attempted…haha.  That was interesting.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has ever read, commented, or voted for any chapter or part of this story!  Your support has meant so much to me!

Finally, I have one last person to thank.  AceOwl, I’m dedicating this to you because it wouldn’t even be here without you.  We met through this story, and you’ve helped me through more than just finishing this story.  Thank you for helping me make the last chapter SO much better. But most of all, thank you for being my friend when I felt like a ‘Loony Lovegood’.  As Helena once said, “You are a beautiful gift I did not expect to receive.”  Thanks for everything.  Love you!

Now, back to business.  Some of you may be wondering: is this the end?  Well, I have an answer to that: NO!  Luna Lovegood will live on!  I plan to write at least two more books in this series, no matter how long it takes me.  (Hopefully not as long as this one did…)  They will be based off of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  I am pretty sure I will be titling the next book Luna Lovegood and the Music Box, but don’t hold me to my word on that.  I need time to plan this one, because Luna is not as directly involved in Harry’s plot.

You also might be wondering when I’m going to start the next book.  Honestly, I’m not completely sure.  Soon, definitely soon, but I just don’t know how soon.  I’m going to take at least a few weeks off to plan and work on some of my other stories.  School starts for me in a few weeks, so I’ll aim to have my first upload sometime around then.

I hope that Luna’s done for you what she has for me.  All I know for sure is that I won’t be able to look at a bowl of pudding the same way again.  J

Thanks guys.  You all have such beautiful hearts! <3

This is meeko228, signing off.  See you soon, kids.

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