chapter 9

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This Chapter might not be very exciting to most of you, but every book has to have chapters like these which are there for information. I hope it doesn't disappoint too much 

Chapter 9

Noah's arms were around me when I woke up. It was still quite dark outside so I guessed it must be quite early in the morning. Ally was asleep in a recliner in the corner of the room.

"What the fuck?" I said, loud enough for both Noah and Ally to wake up. Ally stirred on the recliner before opening her eyes. She smiled and simply said "Hey"

"Um, Hey? What the hell is your brother doing in my bed?" I asked, I wasn't actually pissed off about it; In fact I was kind of flattered. Noah was really handsome, well from what I could see of him he was definitely good looking. But I felt as though it would be abnormal for me not to react badly to this situation.

Last night had been totally....Fucked up. That is the only way I could think to describe it. First of all we were at the most popular girl in school's house, at a party that kids fought to be invited to. Then I was bitten by Brian's friend Kael after getting in between him and Cotton to prevent them from fighting. Then for some unknown reason I decided to run into the woods because I thought I would be safe there, THEN, I almost get attacked by a wolf, who apparently understands human, a fact I learnt when the man lying next to me spoke to said wolf, and the wolf understood and followed through with his command.

Surely I didn't drink that much. It definitely wasn't imagined. If my arm wasn't aching so much I might have thought it was my imagination. But my arm was throbbing.

"Um, yeah I tried to get him to sleep on the other recliner but he lasted all of five minutes before he crawled into bed with you" Ally said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Why is he in my bed? Ally this is so wrong. What the hell happened last night? Is Cotton ok?" I replied in a semi hushed voice. Noah hadn't woken up yet and I desperately needed to talk to Ally, I needed to make some sense out of this mess.

"Cotton is fine, Listen, I have to tell you something but I promised Noah we would tell you together" Ally said, her voice was hushed like mine. She kept looking back and forth between Noah and me with a strange sort of forced smile.

"Fine, then ill wake him up" I said as I turned to shake Noah with my good arm.

"Dyls no, he's been up half the night watching you, He's only had a few hours' sleep" she shouted just as I touched his shoulder.

It was a strange sensation, touching Noah's arm. Static, electric, warm, pleasure. The words shot through my head as I tried to describe to myself what the feeling was. It was unlike anything I had felt before.

I wasn't sure if Ally's loud mouth had woken him or if he felt the static as well. His eyes were locked onto mine the second he opened them. My heart literally skipped a beat.

Have you ever seen one of those pictures of the clearest oceans in the world with the pure white sand? Well, Noah's eyes were the colour of that water, Blue; clean, clear, smooth blue. His lips were the perfect shape; his face was a sculpture, a piece of art. His hair was all over the place, It shot out in a million different directions, but on his head it looked amazing. His eyebrows were ruffled on his left side from how he slept. I couldn't help but think how adorable he made being a mess look. He and Ally had similarities but they didn't look alike. They had the same shaped nose and same colour hair, but other than that, they were quite opposite.

"Morning" He said, his lips creeping up into a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. His smile alone was enough to take my breath away.

"Um, Morning. Want to tell me what you're doing in my bed?" I asked when my brain returned to normal functionality. My stomach was still full of butterflies but I was confident that nobody else would be able to tell how he made me feel.

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