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After I woke up I realized I was in bed alone, Roc already left for work. I got dressed and then went to check on Des who was sound asleep. I tip toed downstairs and made some cofee and toast. When I heard a knock at the door I jumped because it broke the dead silence of the house.

"Coming." I said when I was closer to the door. If whoever it was woke up Destiny I was about to be really mad.

"Hi." He said.

I gasped and jumped back a little. "Justin. Well hi. What're you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

I bit my lip and wished I could say no, but we did need to talk.

"Come in. Coffee?"

"Yes please. You're only 20 and you sound like a mom."

I laughed. "Well I'll be 21 next week if that helps."

"Happy early birthday."

He followed me to the kitchen and I fixed him a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." He said.

"No problem."

We both slowly sipped at our hot cups of coffee, waiting to see who spoke first.

"Ok, well I just came by because ya know I'm dating Angela now and I feel weird about keeping things from her." Justin finally said.

"She's my bestfriend, I know how weird and uncomfortable it feels. Justin it's for the best. You and I both know if she found out about you helping me when Roc was abusing me she would do nothing but worry. And she doesn't need to worry."

"You mean...he doesn't hit you anymore. Nope. Never."

Justin smiled and perked up a bit. "I'm relieved."

"Why? You thought he was still hitting me?"

"Kinda...well...yes. I just thought because the day I kissed you and you left I just thought you didn't want MY help anymore."

I gulped. "Oh, no. And may I highly suggest you don't tell Angela about the almost kiss please? She'd freak out on both of us."

"Yeah." He laughed. "I know how she is."

For some reason him saying that really bothered me. She was MY bestfriend, but just because they were dating he knew her better?

"Well." I said before taking a deep breath to calm myself. "Is that all you came to say?"

"Yup. And well...how could you still love Roc after all he's done?"

"Love really does conquer all Justin."

"K...Well alright I just needed to clear the air, make sure we were on the same page because we may be seeing eachother more often, me being Angie's boyfriend and all."

"Alright. Well I'll walk you out."

We were both quiet and both said "bye" in robotic type voices. The second I shut the door I could hear Destiny crying through the baby monitor that was on the coffee table by the couches. Ugh! Thanks a lot Justin. I made my way upstairs to tend to my crying baby.

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Where stories live. Discover now