Chapter 24

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Lilly felt her stomach roll as her own lunch was threatening to make an appearance, the Sine Anima were Mason’s dead parents...supposedly dead parents. Lilly took her eyes off the creatures long enough to look over to Mason whose skin had paled to a colour that resembled his parents.

Norah was laughing the entire time, actually it was more like a witches cackle. She hunched over and held her sides as she laughed more. “Oh so priceless.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “Mason gets to meet his parents before he dies.”

Lilly looked to Mason who was staring at his parents. She couldn’t even comprehend how he was feeling, what he was thinking. After seventeen years of thinking his parents were dead to have them standing in front of you would numb anyone.

Mason’s mouth opened but no sound came out. His eyes were darting back and forth between his two parents. Lilly reached out to him and took his hand but he pulled it away quickly. He shook his head, “No, this isn’t right...” His words were rattled and exasperated, Lilly wondered how much longer he could stay up.

Norah snapped her fingers and the male Sine Anima approached them grabbing Mason around the collar of his shirt and hauling him to his feet. Instantly any colour that remained in his face drained and the Sine Anima half carried half dragged Mason to Norah and dropped him at her feet.

Norah bent down and pinched Mason’s cheek, “How handsome he turned out to be, and spending time with my daughter! A mother couldn’t be more proud!” She let go of Mason and he slumped away, his breathing heavy. Norah pulled up his t-shirt sleeve and ran her fingers down his tattoo. “What mother couldn’t be proud of the boy her daughter brings home, the boy with tattoos, smokes like a chimney and drinks. What a catch you turned out to be, Mason Avery.”

Lilli felt her blood boil as Norah insulted Mason, who was probably one of the nicest boys she had ever known. Sure he was rough around the edges but he was the same boy who followed her into the woods to make sure she was safe, who took her to the beach at midnight and showed her was a real touch was, the boy who actually listened to her.

There was a moan and Mason was back on her feet, his father holding him up by his collar again while his mother stepped forward on Norah’s command. The female Sine Anima slowly raised her hand and touched Mason’s face, Lilly wondered how she could see in order to touch Mason but now was really not the time to wonder about that.

As her hands reached out Mason recoiled momentarily before the male Sine Anima pushed him forward. At her direct touch to his skin it looked as though a shock went through his body. Lilly called out to him but he didn’t listen or he didn’t hear because his eyes were fixed on the thing in front of him.

From behind Lilly heard Sage calling out to him telling him not to touch her but Norah must have sent some sort of power at her because Sage gasped and fell silent. Lilly looked over her shoulder to see the girl slumped forward but alive, she was clearly breathing.

“Go ahead Mason, say hello to your mom. Reach out and touch her like you’ve always to.” Lilly was shaking her head but it was as though he voice was lost somewhere inside of her. This was some sort of trick, Norah was making Mason touch the Sine Anima for some unknown reason but everything Norah had done had been part of a plan, this clearly was too.

Again Lilly called out to Mason but his hand continued to rise. Mason’s eyes reached his mothers and his hand stopped moving. He looked repulsed at the thing in front of him, his face strained with disgust and anger.

Swerving in the male Sine Anima’s arms he managed to get loose from its grip and lunged at Norah, knocking her off her feet. She shrieked and her two pets were on Mason, hauling him off her and tossing him aside. Lilly screamed as his back hit the stone table.

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