Equinox: Chapter 1

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Summer was coming to an end, the evidence was everywhere from the shorter days, colder night and changing leaves. It was a depressing thought, going back to school because not only was it another year of endless notes, assignments and essays; it was not even her final year of school she still had a year left of high school before college was the next step.

But until summer was over, Lilly was going to soak up every last minute of it from lazy days sleeping in, lazy days lounging at the public pool, lazy weekends driving to the beach, or rainy lazy days sitting inside reading. Not today though, no today her cousin had dragged her out of the house to go to the carnival.

“Oh cheer up!” Amy wined as she bought another bag of cotton candy and ripped off a huge chunk. “It’s not like I’m dragging you to the ballet or something.”

Actually Lilly would probably prefer the ballet over the carnival with all the clowns, drunks, vomit, smells and ‘magic’ shows. But of course they had to do what Amy wanted to do because what Amy wants to do trumps everything, not to mention she would whine until they ended up at the carnival anyway.

She was dragged on the ferris wheel and of course they were stopped at the top for several minutes. Lilly took the time to ignore Amy’s ranting about her ex boyfriend to enjoy the view of Boston in the distance. The lights of the city and the houses surrounded by more scenic views, though nothing would ever compare to places by the beach or surrounded by trees.

Amy huffed and shoved her phone back into her purse, “Jeremy is being such a jerk.”

“Why because you keep calling him while he’s on a date?”

She huffed again, “He cheated on me with that...thing and I’m pissed.” Of course she was, “I am going to make sure they never have a good date. Ever.”

Lilly rolled her eyes at her cousin, “Amy have you ever thought about how you drove him away? You are a little insane and demanding. Oh and lets not forget crazy, clingy, psychotic...”

Amy frowned, “Psychotic, crazy and insane all mean the same thing.”

“Oh good you picked up a thesaurus this summer!” Amy complained some more about her ex, Lilly making fun of her, the lack of boys at the carnival. Lilly tried to block out her crazy cousin but the girl had a way of getting her voice heard.

“Lilly?” She looked over to the girl with cocked eye brows, “I asked you about your love life, you know that thing you’re ignoring?”

Ignoring because she didn’t deserve anyone, she didn’t deserve someone to love her, hold her, care for her because chances are she would do something that hurts them either physically, emotionally or both. Her summer spent in Willow Creek proved that theory. Lilly had met a perfectly good boy who actually cared for her but because she failed to act he was hurt, physically, and because she couldn’t deal with what happened in the woods she left him to hurt him emotionally.

Lilly was of course thinking back to the start of the summer when she spent the first month in Willow Creek, a small town surrounded by thick woods. It was there she learned about her family history, more specifically her supposedly dead mother, Norah Essex was a witch and she was the keeper of the Book of Souls, a book containing nothing but spells and hexes used for evil.

It was also in Willow Creek that she learned about the powers inside of her. She had natural water ability. Not only was that an exceptionally rare gift as no one can control water but Lilly was also part of a Coven, Norah’s Coven. They taught her how to control her abilities and use her powers for good.

It was also in Willow Creek that she met Mason Avery, the bad boy who was not all that bad when you go to know him. The boy who could make you smile even on the worst day of your life, the boy who always smelled amazing and looked better. Mason was pretty much the most perfect boy she had ever been with, and she walked out and left him in a hospital bed and hadn’t called him or anyone else from the Coven since.

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