Equinox: Chapter 26

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"Oh. My. God."

Lilly's eyes popped open at the sound of her roommates voice. Hailey was standing in the door way to the room eyes covered and mouth hanging open. "Oh my god I spend one night away and you taint our room with essence of Ace!"

Lilly, grabbing the sheets and wrapping them around herself, sat up to explain the situation when she noticed why Hailey had her eyes covered. Ace was uncovered. Grabbing the pillow from behind her head she whipped it through the air and smacked it across Aces' hips.

With a umph and a moan he opened his eyes, "Is that normally how you wake people up?" He reached out to her but when she didn't respond he frowned and turned to the door. When he saw Hailey standing there he held the pillow in place, "Um, sorry Hailey didn't think we'd sleep in this late..."

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" The other girl screamed, stepping to the side of the dorm giving Ace room to jump out of bed and pull his pants on. When he was dressed he pecked Lilly on the cheek and ran out, yelling an apology to Hailey as he went. "Are you decent?" She asked.

Lilly grabbed the first piece of clothing she could find, Ace's shirt, and pulled it over her body before sliding on some undergarments. "You can look now."

Hailey slowly uncovered her eyes and looked around the room to ensure that Ace was indeed gone. When she was satisfied with her search she sighed and flopped onto her bed, bouncing once before letting out a long, ragged breath.

Lilly watched her for a moment, she was wearing the same clothes as the day before and her makeup was smudged around her eyes. Her hair was a rats nest on top of her head and the wrinkled clothes also suggested she slept in them. "What did you do last night?"

Hailey sighed again, "Nothing scandelous like you. I just spent the night with Jake and Mason. Drinking. Too much." Ah so she was hung over. "I went to their room to wait for Jake and Mason was already there watching a movie so to make it more interesting we made a game out of it with a bottle of Jack."

Lilly nodded, "And you slept there?"

"Yup, in Mason's bed. Unlike Jake he was willing to sleep on the floor."

Well Jake wasn't one to share, not to mention the boy really liked his beauty sleep. Lilly sighed and lay back down on her bed, which smelled like Ace's cologne. "Want to hear about my night."

"No." Ouch. "I want to talk to you about today." Moving past the blunt disinterest in her love life Lilly listening to her roommate. "It's about what's been going on around the school." The murders. "I think I have an idea about the schedule of the...incidents but I am not sure so we have to go to the library. You're buying breakfast."

Lilly nodded and stood up to change, Hailey hadn't moved since falling to her bed. "You do know breakfast is free in the dining hall, right?" She asked as she pulled on a pair of jeans.

"We're going to the public library. Too many people in the school. And we're getting McDonalds."

There was no point of arguing with sober Hailey so Lilly assumed drunk or hung over Hailey was worse. They quickly dressed and got into the car, stopping for breakfast before going to the very empty and very silent public library.

Lilly waited at a table with her laptop while Hailey was looking for books. When the other girl emerged she dropped a book about the moon in front of her and opened the laptop and started frantically typing. "So I know you lost the book of souls so I don't know what the spell could be but like I said, I think I have the schedule."

Lilly nodded, ignoring the jab about the Book of Souls and flipped open the book about the moon. Quickly skimming it was a book about witch culture and how the moon tied into spells and hexes. "The moon."

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