Thirty Five: It just had to happen...

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Just before I leave her place after making sure everything was kept tidy, I spot a notepad and a pen by the door and then a thought pops up.

Maybe write her a thank you note...

*I was indulged as ever by your company, your marvelous creation of a dessert, and our endless laughter. What more could I ask for?*

I pull it off the stack and stick it to her front door and then stare at it for a little while...

There just happened to be a huge empty space under the few sentences I've encrypted...
And that space intrigued a thought and an emotion, before it compelled a confession...

That of which after about ten minutes of contemplation and mindful debate, I choose to write onto it's back instead of its front...

Eight-letters-three-words, that I still believe won't do what I feel for her justice.

However they were true, necessary, and undeniably bonding.

The reason why I chose to write them onto the back of the note is because I don't want them to mean more to her than what I do or say...
Those three words don't do it for me...
If they're used as the universe's one and only bond, then I choose to test them. I've more to give her than just three words. I've more to do to make her feel better than how she'd feel just hearing those three words from me.

Plus, there just happened to be two other words that I found way more binding...
The kind of two words that bring two people's lives together, changing all the twos to ones...

I secretly hoped she doesn't flip that paper and read its back before I left her place with my heart raging in its cage...


Jodie's POV;

"Sup Jazz!" I pick up Jasmine's second phone call after getting fully dressed and leaving my room, heading to the kitchen.

I pause at the doorway and my jaw hangs open.

"Gosh Dean..." I whisper to myself.

He made my kitchen!

I open my fridge and my jaw falls further.

He wrapped our left overs!

I continue to drown in my own shame before Jasmine suddenly shrieks through the phone and almost deafens me.
"OUW! Jasmine, what the fuck?!" I yell.

"You're not paying attention!!!" She yells back.

"I'm sorry! Repeat!" I growl.

"Karim has a villa in our village!!!" She informs and my face falls.

"No way! Wait-does that mean we're going to see him around?" I ask, not sure if this info could please me.
I mean-sure! Company in the north coast but-what about our swimming during dawn plan? What if he chose to pull an all-nighter and bump into us?

"Three vilas after mine! And yes! I mean I hope so..." She giggles but my face falls further. THREE VILLAS BEFORE US?
Now even if he doesn't pull an all-nighter, he could just spot us leaving in the early morning from his porch.

"Cool..." I chuckle awkwardly.

"You didn't tell me what happened with Dean yesterday!" She reminds me of when our first call ended just before I was going to inform her of when we fell asleep on my couch and I woke up to find myself in bed...

"Oh umm-nothing much..." I smile to myself but roll my eyes when dreadful silence stretches and I can picture her waiting for me to go on.

"We fell asleep on my couch..." I say that and she immediatly gasps.

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