Twenty Six: Tasteless...

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Waking up to the sounds of mom and Sarah's morning quarrels.
Sarah wants that put there, mom wants it staying where it'll probably stay at and so on.

I trap myself inside of my room. After taking a fullfilling bath and getting dressed for leaving my place and heading to Jasmine's, I slop down on my bed, waiting on Jasmine's phone to get switched back on, noting her arrival.

Thankfully, dad has left the house early in the morning, but unluckily, he was going to be here any minute, and I bet he'd want me to stay for Waleed's lunch and not leave the house instead.

I pick up my phone and smile at yesterday's late night chat with Dean.

He has been listening to new music and recommending me some. I loved each and every one of them.
Just last night, I've acquired a new taste to music.

He told me he sometimes listened to old Arabic songs. He favored their lyrics more than that of the most recent ones that only seemed to be filled with angst, sorrow, or simply reeked of gloom, with a tinge of desperation...
And I couldn't help but agree with him on this point.
Older lyrics truely were intricately descriptive, purely romantic, happy, expressive, lively, and some even rhymed!

One of which he sent me was an excerpt of Om Kalthom's song named A Thousand and One nights.

The tunes of it, and the sound of her.
She certainly was something back then...
You know what they say: "Old is gold."

Sarah bursts into my room startling me.

"Oh, good. You're awake..." She snickers guiltily.
"What is it?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Why are you dressed? Oh-" She snaps her fingers recalling my plan.

"Anyway-" She pauses.
"I want to show you my outfit..." She smiles happily and waves for me to follow her.
I take my phone and my keys before I follow her to her room.

She was hanging over her wardrobe a colorful short sleeves shirt, the shoulders royally puffed, and the colors of the shirt impressively made no sense! It was as if the shirt was blank white and one held a brush, dipped it into several colors and dabbed it randomly over the shirt.

"That goes along with it..." She speaks and I turn to find her holding up white flowy pants.

"Amazing!" I utter.
"The shirt is...'' I turn to glance at it once more and whistle.
"Wow!" I nod approvingly.

"I figured I don't usally wear patterns or colors..."
"Maybe this time I would..." She grins and I instantly nod agreeing.

"This, totally goes against your taste for shirts but I bet it would look rad!" I speak, pointing at her shirt.
"Great!" She squeaks excitedly.

"Hey, I think I'm going to need your car..." I speak and she instantly nods, grabbing her keys.

"You're leaving now?" She asks and I nod.
"Before dad comes..." I tell her and she nods twice.

"Alright..." I sigh.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" I ask.

"It's not that I don't want to Jodie..."
"But if you're going then it's okay." She nods assuringly.

"Everything is going to go well..." I grin at her and she pulls her hands up in prayer.

"As long as mom doesn't freak out..." I murmur and chuckle to myself.
"What?" She frowns.
"You know..." I pause flexing my arm.
She bursts in laughter.

"He is not- that big!" She whacks me and I almost dodge her but stumble aside.

"Jeez! Fine! I'm out of here..." I chuckle and she joins me.

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