Nine: I've got you all figured out...

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I wake up and a smile promptly invades my face...
I stretch and roll over to my side yawning lazily.

On remembering the hardest part about yesterday was settled, I sigh in pure relief...

I've called Elias last night because texting was bound to worsen matters.
I apologized and admitted to him that I was seeing someone... And that I couldn't have said no to him because he was once the guy I liked...
The truth in that made things alot easier that he soon laughed it off and changed the subject.

We decided not to end the phone call and instead we spoke about a lot of fun things...
Point being, Elias and I are going to be good friends.
And he's going to be my company during this dreadful summer course.

Now that that was settled, all I had to think about was when Dean was going to call me, where he was going to take me, what was I going to wear, and what were we going to talk about this time...

There was way too much things that I'd still like to know about him.
And there's me trying to learn how to open up to him and be me around him instead of the stiff insecure awkward girl I turn to every time we meet up...


It was almost four, I had literally nothing to do.
I started pacing around my room discussing with myself several outfits...

I stand in front of the mirror and start inspecting myself.
I was wearing only a really loose Picacho shirt.
My favorite...
My hair was cascading down my back and before my shoulders. My face was very pale...
My eyes were kind of swollen from having slept so much...

My legs were still boney...
My knees look ugly like that...
I had to gain a little more weight...
Although, I didn't want an extra pound to be added to my upper body.
I don't know how was my lower body relatively skinnier than my upper body but-
I guess that's how my figure was made.
The only part I had always gained weight from was my tummy...
Never in my life have I gained weight that was evenly distributed all over my body...
Or better yet, distributed to my breasts and buttocks...
It just had to go for the stomach...
And for that, I never allowed myself to gain anymore weight, and that just meant my legs had to look this boney forever...


I groan my disapproval and walk away from that mirror...

I slomp back down onto my bed and go over social media apps.
See how everyone's summer was going and maybe doom my fate a little and all...
Or maybe not...
I've got Dean...
And I really like being around him.
I enjoy every minute of my weekend, and I owe it to him...
He makes me feel so good!
So excited and anticipative to what he's going to say or do next...

My phone pings and I jump on it.

*Jodie, I'm running a little late. Work overload! I'll call you as soon as I manage to slip out of this place.*

I smile at that however...
He said he'd manage leaving work at four and it was only five minutes past four yet he texted and got me knowing he's running late.

There was a persistent sound replaying at the back of my head wanting me to let the guy do his work and not push him into meeting me on a heavy work day just because he wants to correct my mistake for me.
But I really wanted to see him and...

But would that be me not playing fair?

I mean I'm the one who set those stupid rules, but I'm the one who's expected to abide by them the most!


Jasmine and I have resumed our call last night after I hung up with Elias feeling greatly better.
We spoke about so much non sense.
She gossiped about people and girls she came across in France.
That they all seemed unreal to her, almost plastic.
The way they seemed naturally beautiful, almost every last one of them.
How effortlesly good they looked without any makeup done or anything attention sought.
We also spent a while discussing their flawless skin and perfect body weights, and how even the slightly heavy girls accepted their body's biological nature...
They didn't try to starve themselves or deprive their bodies of the food their souls craved.
We went to bed awed, if not envious...

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