Broken heart

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The day had started out normal, all of the members gathered in the living room to watch TV while Jin cooked dinner. Taehyung was seated on the far right side of the couch with Hoseok beside him and Jimin on the other far side. He had let his head slump onto Hoseok's shoulder and he closed his eyes to feign being asleep. His breathing slowed at the comfort his hyung's shoulder provided, the brunette had always been fond of the dancer. He wasn't sure if it was because they were best friends or a small crush but he never told Hoseok, afraid it would ruin what they had and make things awkward. So he hid his feelings, pretending to be sleepy just to be closer to the dancer. He was almost asleep for real when he heard Jimin whisper "when are you going to tell him Hobi-hyung?" It took every ounce of willpower Taehyung had within him to not open his eyes and ask what they were hiding. Instead he shut his eyes tightly and focused on trying to slow his breathing, apparently the older thought he was having a nightmare because he shook Taehyung to wake him. Hoseok ignored Jimin's question continuing to shake the younger "Taehyung-ah! Wake up, it's just a nasty dream, Tae..." He whined. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them to hide the tears gathering there, and sat upright "s-sorry.. I was having a bad dream.." He mumbled before standing up and heading to his room with his head down.

He shut the door behind him, falling onto his bed face down in the pillows to muffle a long sigh that escaped his lips. His best friend was hiding something from him, and Jimin knew. Of all people it had to be Jimin, the second person he was closest to. A knock echoed through the silent bedroom, causing Taehyung to sit up and mumble "come in" grumpily. The door opened to reveal a bored looking Jungkook "dinner's ready hyung" he spoke quickly before leaving the room. Silence filled the room and he could hear the faint sound of chairs being moved along with laughter from his friends. It seemed like the only voices he could really hear were Hoseok's and Jimin's, and that hurt him more than he cared to admit. No one was asking where he was, they all sounded so happy without him there. Taehyung closed the door to his and Junkook's shared room and crawled into his bed with a heavy heart. Why should he ruin their laughter with his presence? He wasn't hungry anyways, so he opted for taking a nap and hoping to disappear.

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