
499 12 1

The point of view has changed from the previous part :)

One year on

"Home, please," I smiled to my driver, James. 

"Sure thing, Miss Tweedy," he replied politely before starting the car up.

I smiled to myself as a couple of girls approached, one waving pictures and holding a camera.

"Wait a sec," I told him, rolling my window down.

He nodded his head and laughed when the girls screams got louder.

"Hey girls." Reaching out, I rubbed the smaller girls side, having noticed the tears running from her eyes. "Don't cry, babe," I told her. "It's only me."

She bit her lip while lifting her hands up to wipe them away. "Sorry, it's just... I think you're amazing."

"Aww... thanks, babe," I smiled, looking up at the older girl who was with her, presuming she was her sister as they looked a lot alike. "How old are you, darlin'?" I asked the little girl as I looked back down at her.

"I'm 11," she answered back, a shy smile adoring her lips.

She was so cute. 

"And who is this?" I asked, taking the pen and paper from her hands and looking back up.

"I'm mum," she replied, shocking me.

"Mum?" I frowned.

The little girl giggled. "She looks young, doesn't she?"

"Sure does," I smiled, handing back the signed paper. "I'm very surprised actually. You have to tell me your secret?"

"Lots of water and plently of exercise," the mum giggled. "Ooh... and not forgetting the intense dance lessons I get from this little princess," she added, stroking her daughters cheek. "So, I would have to say... your music videos have helped enormously."

I laughed at her and smiled when she held out the camera she was holding. 

"Do you mind if Sarah has her picture taken with you?" she politely asked.

"Of course not."

The girl stood infront of the car window as I reached out and draped my arm over her shoulder, her mum snapping away.

"I have a friend called Sarah," I told her as she pulled away.

"Is she nice?" she asked in return.

I laughed to myself. Yeah, nice, but a bit bonkers.

"She's lovely," I replied. "Just like you."

"Right you," the mum said, taking hold of Sarah's hand. "I think we should let Cheryl go now."

"Ok," she sighed. "Thanks Cheryl," she smiled at me.

Leaning my body out, I beckoned her forward for a quick hug. "Bye, pet," I told her before pulling away and looking up to her mother. "Thanks," I winked.

"No, thank you."

I gave them both a smile before they walked off, the little girl smiling happily.

"Sweet," I said as I rolled the window back up.

James turned and gave me a smile. "Ready?" he asked.

"Let's go."

He was such a sweet guy, and I was so glad he was my driver as we usually had a laugh together whenever he was transporting me to my desired destination. I did feel sorry for him, though, as his wife had fallen ill the previous year and they were struggling a bit. That's why I always liked to give him a little card every so often with some money tucked away inside, just as a little thank you. He would always refuse to take it, but I'd always demand that he did, telling him to treat the kids to a nice day out. 

"So, how's Bev?" I asked.

"Yes, she's getting better. They think her next operation will be a huge help."

I smiled when I heard him say this. "That's amazin'!"

"I know, I'm glad all of this is coming to an end now. It's horrible seeing the person you love suffer so much pain and knowing you can't take it away," he said, his tone somewhat sad.

"I could only imagine," I replied.

"So," he started, stopping at a red light. "How did the auditions go?"

"Aye, there were a good few today. There was this one girl, she had an amazing voice and she was absolutely stunning! The crowd loved her."

"Did she get through?"

I laughed. "Of course she did, James!"

We continued to chat away, James making me laugh with his funny sense of humour. 

"Right, we're here Miss Tweedy."

"Cheryl," I corrected him. "And thank you. I probably won't be bothering you tomorrow." Giggling, I grabbed my bag. "My one day of rest is going to be spent on the couch, eating ice cream and watchin' crap tele!"

"Have a nice time," he replied.

"I will. Bye."

"Bye Miss..."

I gave him a look.

"Bye Cheryl."

Smiling, I climbed out and gave him a wave before walking to the entrance of the complex.

Home to an empty flat.

* * * * * 

Stepping out of the bath, I sighed when the door sounded. 

Who could that be at this time?

Deciding to investigate, I wrapped a large fluffy towel around my body before making my way out of the bathroom, down the hallway and over to the door. Looking through the peak hole, I giggled when I saw Nicola standing, smiling away to herself.

"Did I disturb you?" she laughed, once the door was open.

"Not at all, babe," I replied, gesturing for her to enter. "So, what can I do you for?"

"A cup of tea would be good."

* * * * * 

"Thanks," she smiled, taking the mug from my hands. "And I just love those pyjamas."

"Oi!" I laughed. "There's nothin' wrong with my Miss Piggy pyjamas!"

"I didn't say there was," she winked.

As I sat down I could feel her eyes on me, she was acting strange.

"So, are you goin' to tell me what's wrong? I'm not daft, you know."

She sighed, her hand reaching into her bag, which she had delicately pulled up to rest on her lap. "You had a little visitor today," she said, producing an envelope.

"Who?" I frowned.


I didn't really know what to say. 

"She gave me this," she said, holding out the envelope.

I hesitated before taking it off of her. "What is it?" I asked, eventually finding the power of speech again.

"Open it," she told me.

Beautiful MistakeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara