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The sound of a light snore made me smile as I flicked my eyes open. Cheryl was still fast asleep, the covers pulled right up to her neck. She looked so cute that it made me giggle. Gently, I peeled my half of the covers back and stepped out of bed. Tiptoeing out of the room and into the hall, I sighed having successfully done it without waking her.

Once I was in the kitchen I took out all of the fry up stuff we had and began cooking it all. While the sausages where sizzling, I set the table and poured us both a glass of orange juice.

"Hey," a sleepy voice said from behind me. "Something smells good."

"I thought I'd make us a nice fry up." I smiled, turning to face a tired looking Cheryl. She smiled at me and sat down. "Would you like some ice in your orange juice?"

"Please babe."

I didn't even notice that I was humming her song while I was working away until she started laughing. "What?" I laughed, handing her the glass.

"Do you like that song?"

"It's really catchy!" I said, trying to get across how I felt. "Don't get me wrong it's a grower. I though it was ok at first, but now I love it! It's not funny!"

She laughed again before taking a sip out of the glass. "That was my intentions with it. It is a grower."

I continued to hum it as I dished the food out onto plates, swaying my hips to the rhythm I had created. "We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love!" I sang as I danced over to her with her plate.

"We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love!" she joined in.

"We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love!"

"If it's worth having... it's worth fighting for!" We both sang together and then burst out laughing.

"You're a good little singer," she smiled as I sat down opposite her with my plate.

"I love singing." I replied, cutting one of my sausages.

"What kind of music do you like?"

"I just appreciate good music," I told her. "But I do love musicals."

"Ooh really?" she said, somewhat shocked.

I laughed at her expression. "Yeah. How... what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing's wrong with it babe. I just didn't think you were into that kind of stuff."

"Why? Do I look more like a heavy metal rocker?" I giggled while doing my best headbanding.

"No... I thought you were more of a cheesy pop kinda girl."

"I thought you were a good judge of character," I winked.

I watched as she chewed on a bit of bacon.

"I thought you were a Beyonce fan," she shot back, a smiled on her face.

"Beyonce isn't cheesy pop. You're cheesy pop!"

She looked up at me. "I'm deeply offended by that comment," she laughed, picking up a piece of toast. "So, you must like cheesy pop then, if you like me songs."

"I didn't say I wasn't a cheesy pop kinda girl. I love all music. Well... I can't be doin' with that heavy metal p!ss," I said truthfully. She nodded in agreement. 

"Nah... I don't like that stuff either. But I must say... you do a mean headbaning impression."

"I do, don't I?" I winked.

* * * * * 

After we had finished, I cleared the table and sat back down opposite her. She was reading the paper.

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