Ch.58 Conditions

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At the 'Wonder diner' that evening, Olivia sat at a table drinking her tea and playing on her phone when Brooke entered.

"Oh Brooke" she called "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure" Brooke said as she sat at the table "What's up?"

"Um, I'm just curious, but can you tell me more about this so called 'curse' that you keep mentioning?"

"So you're interested now huh?" Brooke grinned.

"Well I just wanna know why Elena has to believe in order for her to break the curse?"

"Well if you really wanna know, I'll tell you".

So Brooke told Olivia all about Ever After High and the curse which brought them to Storybrooke. She also told her about Elena being the daughter of the Evil Queen and that she doesn't want to be evil. She then told her that since Elena is the daughter of the Evil Queen, she's the only one who can break the curse and bring back everyone's memories.

"So this curse erased our memories?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, and that's why no one in Storybrooke remembers who they are".

"So how is Elena suppose to break the curse?"

"Now that I don't know yet, but I know she'll find a way".

"And I'm really the daughter of Snow White?"

"Yeah, and you got the blonde hair from your dad so you don't have her black hair. But like your mother, you both like apples and anything that has apples".

"Well, I do love apples".

"So do you believe me now?"

"I don't know, I have to think about it some more".

"Well all right then, but once again, please make sure Elena believes in order for her to break the curse".

"I will".

"Well I should get going now, I'll see you around".

"You too" Olivia smiled as Brooke left the diner.

Now alone, Olivia started to think about what Brooke told her. Was she really the daughter of Snow White? She then started to think about the curse that erased everyone's memories, if only she could remember what really happened. And as she thought about it some more, she was starting to believe.


In her new house, Eve sliced the apple she stole from Mr. Gold's shop into pieces and placed them in a bowl. She then added some brown sugar sauce and cinnamon to the pieces and stirred it together as she then started to make the dough. She then used the apples and the dough to make a turnover as she placed it in the oven.

As Elena was walking down the street, she thought about Eve's threat. If she doesn't leave Storybrooke by tomorrow, Eve would arrest her. Her hands were tied, she didn't know what to do. But then she thought about it and knew now what she had to do, she had no other choice. She then spotted Eve's black car parked in front of a house. She knew it had to be Eve's house, and she needed to talk to her. So she went up to the door and rang the doorbell. She waited until Eve opened the door.

"We need to talk" she said.

"How did you find out where I live?" Eve asked.

"I saw your car, you do realize that you almost ran into me and my friend on Sunday right?"

"Oh, oops".

"Anyway, I need to talk to you".

"Well I was planning on talking to you tomorrow, but we can do it now, come on in".

Elena walked in as they went into the living room.

"Ok look" she said "I wanna make a deal with you".

"Yeah I don't make deals" Eve said.

"I'm leaving town" Elena said.

"Really?" Eve said surprised.

"I don't know what's going on between us, but I don't want this to cause an even bigger problem. So I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, but I have conditions. I still get to visit Storybrooke and see my friends whenever I want".

"So you'll still be here" Eve said with an unsure look.

"But I'll be living in New York again, but I still wanna see my friends, cause they're the only friends I have. I don't know why you want me to leave, but I don't want this to get worse between us".

Eve thought about, and then she gave a smile.

"All right" she said.

"Thank you".

"Uh, would you mind following me to the kitchen for a moment?"

"Ok" Elena said as she followed Eve to the kitchen.

Elena watched as Eve put on an oven mitten and pulled out the turnover from the oven.

"So where exactly are you moving to in New York?" Eve asked.

"New York city" Elena said "I used to live there for as long as I can remember".

"How is it like?"

"Crowded, lots of traffic, but I got used to it before so I can get used to it again".

"Ah tough luck, but that's what you get for living in a big city".

"Yeah" she sighed "Well since I'm leaving tomorrow, I should get home and finished packing, and I'll be out of your life".

She then started to the door.

"Oh Ms. Jensen" Eve stopped her.

Elena turned around and watched as Eve opened a cabinet and pulled out a container.

"Could you give this turnover to Olivia?" she asked pointing to the turnover she had taken out from the oven.

"Why?" Elena asked.

"Well your friend Brooke asked me to make a turnover for Olivia for getting a hundred on a test since she loves turnovers, so that's what I did, and can you give this to her?"

"Um, sure".

"Thanks" Eve smiled as she placed the turnover into the container "It's an old recipe, but very good".

She then handed the container to Elena.

"I hope she likes apples" she said.

"She does" Elena said "Apples are her favorite".

"Well that's good" Eve smiled.

"I'll give this to her".

"Thank you".

Elena gave a small smile, hiding her heartbroken look as she went out the door. Eve gave an evil smile as she crossed her arms, her plan was getting better.

Once upon a time: Ever After HighWhere stories live. Discover now