Ch.7 Missing book

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"So now what?" Apple asked Raven as they walked down the hallway "What are we gonna do before your mom cast this curse?"

"Well the first thing I need to do is figure out this curse, I mean, some spells require ingredients, perhaps this spell needs ingredients, maybe the ingredients are hard to get and that's probably why no one was able to cast the curse".

"So how are you gonna find out?"

"I don't know, the spell is in this special book, but my mom hid it somewhere so I don't know where it is".

"Well, where do you think it is?"

"I have no idea, for all I know, it could be in Wonderland or something".

"Uh, why would your mom hid it in Wonderland?"

"I don't really think she would hide it in Wonderland, I mean, it's a crazy place, and things tend to move on their own, so if she did hid it in Wonderland, it could be lost already".

"Yeah good point".

"It might still be in my castle, but I just don't know where".

"Here is the art room" Olivia showed Elena the art room.

Elena looked through the window and saw all of the paintings. All of a sudden, when the girls turned around a corner, they bumped into a girl which caused her to drop her art supplies.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" the girl said as she bent down to pick up her art stuff.

"That's ok" Elena and Olivia said as they helped her pick up her art stuff.

"Here" Elena handed the girl a paintbrush.

"Thanks" the girl said as she took the paintbrush and they stood back up.

"Oh Elena" Olivia said "This is Francis, Francis, this is Elena, she's new here".

"Well nice to meet you" Francis held out her hands for a handshake, but Elena saw that she had some paint on her brown skin.

"Oh" Francis said bring her hand "I really need to clean my hands".

"So you're an artist?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, I just need to finish my work so I can pass".

"Well which one is your work?" Elena asked as they looked at the paintings.

"Mine's the painting of the blue fairy" Francis pointed to a painting of a blue fairy.

"That's yours" Elena gasped "It's so beautiful".

"Thank you, I just need to give it some texture and I'll be finish".

"Well I'm sure you'll pass" Olivia smiled "Everyone knows you're an amazing artist".

"Well thank you, I should get back to work, it was nice meeting you Elena".

"You too" Elena smiled as Francis went inside the art room.

"So who does Brooke think Francis is?" Elena asked Olivia as they walked down the hallway.

"Well" Olivia said "She thinks Francis is Cedar Wood, daughter of Pinocchio".


"Well it kinda make sense cause she barely tells a lie, she's one of the most honest and nicest girls here, but I wouldn't trust her on keeping a secret, one time, I told her that I was gonna throw my boyfriend a surprise birthday, I told her to keep it a secret, but she accidentally told him and the surprise was ruined. But I forgave her, cause she's a really good friend".

"Well, sometimes secrets are hard to keep".

"Yeah" Olivia sighed.

"So you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, his name's Aidan, and Brooke thinks he's actually Daring Charming, son of King Charming, which makes sense cause he is charming and well, daring" she giggled.

"Well you must feel lucky to have a boyfriend, my last boyfriend dumped me on my birthday".

"Oh" Olivia said sadly "I'm so sorry".

"It's fine" Elena said with a sad look "I guess it wasn't true love".

"Well don't worry, you'll find true love soon".

"I hope".

Later that night, Raven went out and sat on the patio and gazed at the stars, and all she could think of was her mother and the curse.

"Hey Raven" a voice said.

Raven turned around and saw Dexter.

"Oh, hey Dex" she said.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Go ahead" she said as he sat next to her.

"So, have you figured out how to stop your mother?" he asked.

"No, the main thing I need to do is find the book that has the spell for the curse, if I have it, I can get rid of it and the curse wont happen, but, I don't know where it is".

"Where do you think it is?"

"Probably somewhere in my old castle, but I just don't know where, if I can't find it, my mother will cast the curse, and then, who knows what will happen?"

Raven then saw that Dexter had a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's just, if the curse does happen, what's gonna happen to me? What's gonna happen to you, what's gonna happen to everyone?"

Raven put her hand on his shoulder.

"Dex" she said "I will find a way to prevent this curse, no matter what it takes, but I will not let my mother hurt the ones I love".

"You're a brave girl" Dexter said "And I will do what I can to help".

"Thanks" Raven smiled.

Up on a cliff that hung over a dark sea, there was a creepy dark castle, and inside, the Evil Queen walked down a dark hallway and came upon a door, she opened it and went into the dark room that had cobwebs on the walls. She then went over to a box on the shelf, she reached in her dress and pulled out a key that hung around her neck.

"Looks like this book will get some use after all" she grinned as she unlocked the box.

But when she opened the box, she found that it was empty!

"What the?!" she gasped "Where is it?!"

She looked around the room for the book, but it was no where to be found. She started to get mad.

"WHERE IS IT?!" she yelled.

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