Ch.2 Past life

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At the Beanstalk bakery, the girls each got large cupcakes.

"These cupcakes are so cute" Apple said.

"Thank Ginger for making them" Briar said.

"Are you girls ok with celebrating my mom's birthday?" Raven asked.

"Of course" Briar said "She's your mother, and she needs to be loved, even if we all fear her".

"Well, thanks for doing this".

"Anything for the best not-so-evil friend" Maddie smiled.

"Happy Birthday to the Evil Queen" Briar raised her cupcake.

"Happy Birthday" the girls gave a toast with their cupcakes.

After their little celebration, Raven went to Headmaster Grimm's office with an evil looking cupcake in her hands.

"Headmaster" she knocked.

"Come in" she heard him said and went in.

"Can I help you Ms. Queen?" he asked with a dull look.

Raven and Grimm didn't really see eye to eye, he's been forcing her to be evil like her mother so she could follow her destiny. But ever since Legacy day when she declared to write her own destiny, Grimm had been trying to persuade her to follow her destiny, but Raven kept refusing and made it clear that she wasn't going to be evil.

"Um, I was wondering if I could talk to my mom" Raven said nervously "It's her birthday today".

"Hurry up" Grimm sighed as he left the office, leaving Raven alone with the mirror her mother was trapped inside in.

"Mirror mirror" she said to the mirror "Uh, show me my mother".

Even though it didn't rhymed, the mirror showed the Evil Queen.

"Raven!" the queen exclaimed "It's good to see you again".

"You too" Raven said nervously "I just wanted to say Happy Birthday".

"Well at least someone remembers" the queen said.

"Well, um, my friends and I actually had a little celebration for you".

"How thoughtful" the queen said "If only I was there".

"I uh, I got you this cupcake" Raven showed her the evil looking cupcake.

"Oo, looks yummy" the queen said.

"I'll teleport it to you".

Raven moved her hand over the cupcake and it disappeared, she looked in the mirror and saw that it had teleported to her mother.

"Thank you dear" the queen said as she took a bite of the cupcake.

"So how have you been?" she asked with a mouthful.


"Have you changed your mind yet?"

"No" Raven groaned "I told you, I'm going to write my own destiny".

The queen sighed "This writing your own destiny thing, Raven, I'm worried about you, if you don't follow your destiny, then, well, I don't know what will happen".

"I'm still trying to figure it out".

"Well just so you know, being evil is not that bad".

"It is actually" Raven wanted to say, but she couldn't get it out. So instead she sighed.

"Well I should get going" she said "Headmaster Grimm said I shouldn't talk so long".

"Well all right dear" the queen said "I love you".

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