Ch.19 Comfort

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After school, Elena went to Olivia's house and knocked on the door.

"Olivia" she called as she knocked "It's me Elena".

She waited, but there was no answer.

"Olivia" she called again as she knocked "Are you home?"

She waited, but still no answer. She looked in the driveway and saw her car, so she must be home. Elena then turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked and slowly opened the door.

"Olivia?" she called "Are you here?"

She decided to walk in and closed the door.

"Hello?" she called.

Elena then heard some crying coming from a room, she went to the room and opened the door and found Olivia lying on her bed, crying her eyes out with used tissues on her bed and floor.

"Olivia" Elena gasped as she walked up to her "What's wrong?"

Olivia tried to talk, but it was hard for her to talk while she was crying.

"Calm down first" Elena said as she sat on her bed.

Olivia calmed herself down as she sat up and wiped her tears away.

"Aidan and I just broke up" she manged to say.

"What?!" Elena gasped "What happened?"

"I just discovered that he's been cheating on me, with Ilene!"

"Oh my God!" Elena gasped.

"Yeah, today Reyna showed me a video she recorded of Aidan talking to Ilene about dumping me after a date this weekend, and then the video showed them kissing and holding hands, he even called her his girl!"

"Oh my God Olivia" Elena said with a sad look.

"I can't believe him" Olivia said as she started to cry again "I thought he was the one".

She continued to cry as Elena wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in to comfort her.

"Well forget him" she said "He's a real jerk for doing this to you, you're a great girl, and no guy should do this to you".

"Well apparently he did" Olivia said.

As Olivia continued to cry, Elena thought of a way to make her feel better.

"Hey" she said as she pulled away "If it makes you feel better, why don't we watch 'Mean Girls' tonight? You told me you love that movie".

Olivia started to calm down "I don't know".

"Come on" Elena urged with a smile "You know you want to Glenn Coco".

Olivia gave a small laugh.

"So is that a yes?"

"I guess" Olivia shrugged.

"Great" Elena smiled as she checked the time on her phone "Right now it's almost 5, so you wanna watch it now or later?"

"I guess now cause I don't have homework".

"Me neither. Well all right then, come one".

Elena took Olivia's hand as they went into the living room.


Aidan felt so bad for what happened today as he parked in front of Ilene's house and knocked on her door and waited till she answered.

"Hey" she smiled when she opened the door.

"We need to talk" Aidan said as he walked int and closed the door.

"What's is it?" Ilene asked.

"We've got a problem" he said "Olivia found out about us".

"What?!" Ilene gasped.

"She showed me a video of us behind the bleachers yesterday of us talking and stuff and found out about us".

"What the? She recorded a video of us?"

"I didn't think it was her cause she showed me the video on a different phone, I don't know who it belongs to though".

"Oh man" Ilene sighed "This is bad"

"Tell me about" Aidan agreed "She just dumped me today in front of my football team and walked away crying, and I feel terrible now".

Ilene gave a sad look and a sigh.

"Aidan" she said "I think we should stop seeing each other now".

"What?" Aidan gave a small gasped.

"I also feel terrible, and I really like spending time with you, but now, I kinda regret it cause you were with Olivia when you were also with me, and I think it's for the best that we stop seeing each other".

"But Ilene-".

"I'm sorry Aidan, but cheating on someone means that you're not happy with your relationship, if you wanted to be with me, you should of told Olivia and let her down gently, but since you didn't, I feel bad for Olivia, and I kinda regret having this secret relationship with you".


"I'm sorry Aidan, but I think it's for the best if we stopped seeing each other, and I think you should go now".

Aidan gave a sad look, he then gave a sad sigh as he left.

Raven made her way to Headmaster Grimm's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" she heard Grimm say as she walked in.

"Yes Ms. Queen?" he asked.

"Sorry to bother" she said "But um, I'm, missing something, and, I was wondering if you've seen it".

"What are you missing?" he asked.

"A key".

"A key?"

"Just a little golden key, about 2 inches high, it had a feather on it, but the feather slipped out".

"I haven't seen any golden keys like that, but I will tell if I find it".

"Um, thank you Headmaster" Raven said as she headed out.

But she still wondered if Grimm was telling the truth.

"So what did he say?" Apple asked.

"He said he's never seen the key before" Raven said "But he said he'll tell me if he finds the key".

"Do you believe him?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm gonna keep my eye on him".

Headmaster Grimm gave a sigh in relief as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key Raven was looking for. He didn't want anyone, especially Raven to go into the secret room, cause it was protecting everyone from another evil being.

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