Ch.44 Apology

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When the evening came, after having dinner, Lizzie went outside the front yard and towards the Enchanted forest where she met up with Daring.

"Hey" they both greeted each other with smiles as they went into the forest.

In the forest, the 2 went to a wishing well where they rested their arms on the edge of the well and looked down into the steep hole filled with water.

"Wanna make a wish?" Daring asked.

"Sure" Lizzie smiled as he took out 2 coins and gave one to her.

"I wish that I spend the rest of my life with you" he smiled at her as he tossed the coin down the well.

"Aww" Lizzie smiled as she blushed "I wish I can rewrite my story, with possibly you in it".

She then dropped the coin down the well. Just then they noticed that their hands were slightly touching, both felt themselves blushing, but Lizzie gave a smile as she held his hand.

"You know" Daring said "I think falling in love with you was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, I mean, I've been felt this way before".

"Me neither" Lizzie admitted "But what do you think your parents are gonna think?"

"I bet they wont approve of it, but if they wont, then I'm just gonna tell them that Daring Charming is in love with Lizzie Hearts and he doesn't care what anyone thinks".

Lizzie gave a small laugh "Even if they ground you".

"Eh, it'll be worth it".

They both smiled as they wrapped their arms around each other and gazed into each others eyes. They then looked at each others lips, oh how they wanted to kiss those lips. But then they felt themselves leaning in and their lips soon met. It was a great feeling to finally kiss each other, but when Lizzie opened her eyes, she spotted someone hiding in the bushes watching them. As she got a closer look she saw it was Blondie.

"Blondie?!" Lizzie gasped as Blondie gave a scared gasp and she ran.

But Daring and Lizzie went after her. They chased her through the forest when Daring took a different route and was able to block Blondie's path causing her to turn around but was blocked by Lizzie. Blondie knew she had no where else to go.

"Blondie" Lizzie said "Were you spying on us?"

"Well I-" she said with a nervous look, she then gave a sigh "Yeah..."

"But why?" Daring asked.

"Because that's what a journalist does, I was looking for stories for my blog, and then I see you guys kissing and I, I was just shocked. Are you guys secretly dating?"

Daring and Lizzie looked at each other, they knew they were caught and they had no choice but to tell her.

"Yeah" they both sighed as Blondie gave a surprised look.

"But you can't tell anyone" Daring said.

"Especially Apple" Lizzie added.

"But-" Blondie said with a nervous look "But Daring, you're suppose to be Apple's prince".

"Well now maybe I want to be Lizzie's prince" he said "Even though she doesn't have a prince in her story".

"Then that would mean you're-" she gasped "A rebel!"

Daring gave a sigh "I know, but you still can't tell anyone about us, especially Apple, please".

Blondie looked at Lizzie who had on a sad look, she couldn't risk putting them in trouble.

"All right" she sighed "I wont tell anyone".

"Thank you" they both said.

"And you better promise that" Lizzie said "Or it's off with your head".

"Got it. Well, I'm gonna be going back now, you 2 enjoy each other".

They watched as she headed back to Ever After, hopefully she meant it when she promised she wouldn't tell anyone.

After school the nest day, Ilene went to the hospital where she went into the room Reyna was in. She walked in seeing Reyna asleep on the bed with her wrists bandaged and doctors around her.

"How is she?" she asked the doctors.

"She's gonna be fine" a doctor told her "But right now she needs to rest. Um, were you the one who found her?"


"Well thanks to you, Reyna was able to make it on time, if you wouldn't of found her, something bad could've happened to her".

"Wow" Ilene said surprised as she looked at Reyna "Um, can I be with her for a moment?"

"Go ahead" the doctors said as they left.

Ilene sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at Reyna.

"Hey Reyna" she said sadly "It's me, Ilene. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but, I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this for happen. I just wanted to get back at you, but, I went too far, and now you're in the hospital because of me. This is all my fault, and I feel terrible, I really do. Also, I found out about your depression and how you're stressed 24/7, you're kinda like me. But I'm more screwed up. And you were right about me, I am a slut, and I did sleep with Aidan,

Ilene felt her eyes water.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" she said as she felt herself start to cry "I mean, I posted slutty pictures of myself on Instagram, what was I thinking? I'm messed up. And I'm trying to change myself, to be a better person. But I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone, I know your pain, I feel it everyday. And even though you may feel like this, you still have people who care about you, I mean, Bridget and Kendell and the others tried to call you after you fled school, but you never answered, and they were worried about you. And my friends are worried about me too. I don't know if I'll ever change who I am to become a better person. And even if you don't forgive me about what I did to you, then, I promise I'll stay out of your life. And once again, I'm sorry".

Ilene then took out Reyna's diary and placed it on the nightstand and headed out the room. After she left, Reyna opened her eyes, she has heard everything Ilene said.

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