Ch.47 Archery practice

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Down in the Enchanted Forest one evening, Hunter Huntsman, son of the Huntsman from Snow White and Red Riding Hood stood far away from a target as he gripped a bow and arrow in his hands. He then took aim at the target with the arrow, aiming it at the bulls eye, and he fired and hit the center. He then pulled out another arrow from the case that was on his back and aimed at the target again. He then shot the arrow and it hit the center by splitting the other arrow in haft. He then gave a smile feeling proud to himself. Just then he got a text on his mirror phone, he saw that the text was from his girlfriend Ashlynn Ella, daughter of Cinderella.

Ashlynn- Hey babe, I need your help at the shoe store

But before he could reply, Hunter caught sight of something moving fast between the trees. He couldn't tell what it was, but filled with curiosity, he decided to follow it. But first he needed to text Ashlynn.

Hunter- I'll be there soon

He then set off after the figure. But by the time he caught up with the figure, it was moving too fast for him. But he ran as fast as he could after it, and as he ran, he saw that the figure had some red. He continued after the figure until it finally came to a stop near a river. But when the figure stopped, he was surprised to see that it was Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood.

"Cerise?" he said as she turned around with a surprised look.

"Oh, hey Hunter" she said surprised "How long have you been here?"

"Just enough to see you running, man you're really fast".

"I know".

"How did you learn to run so fast?"

"Um, practice".

"Well you must practice a lot".

"I do, I love running through the wind".

Just then a little wolf cub came out from behind some bushes and went to Cerise.

"Isn't that your pet wolf cub?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, his name's Carmine".

"Well hey Carmine" he smiled to the cub who gave a little yip.

Just then Hunter got another text.

Ashlynn- Are you on your way?

"Oh man I gotta go" he said "I'll see you around Cerise".

"Ok bye" she said as he left.


Hunter went through the Village of Book Ends until he came to the shoe store where Ashlynn works part time, he went in and saw a pile of new shoes waiting to be stocked on the shelves. And there already stocking the shoes was Ashlynn.

"Finally you're here" she said when she saw him.

"Sorry I was a little late" he said as he set down his bow and arrow.

"That's all right, I just need your help to stock up these new shoes".

"Ok" he said as he began stocking up the shoes.

"So where were you?"

"Oh I was just shooting some arrow in the Enchanted Forest, I slit an arrow on half with another arrow".

"Wow" Ashlynn said impressed.

"And then I talked to Cerise a bit, that girl can run like a wolf".

"I know right?" she agreed.

But as Hunter continued stocking up the shoes, he then got a text.

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