Ch.24 The key

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It was now Friday, and after school was over, Elena waited for Brooke near the front entrance.

"Elena" she heard Brooke call.

She looked up and saw Brooke coming towards her with Hailee by her side.

"Oh hi Hailee" Elena said "You ready for girls night tonight?"

"You bet" Hailee smiled.

"So Hailee's gonna help us get the key from Mr. Gram's office" Brooke said "She's great at picking locks".

"Uh um" Hailee agreed "Any lock I can pick".

"So Mr. Gram is on watch duty right now" Brooke said "And he'll be back to his office soon, so we have to hurry".

The girls headed to Mr. Gram's office and made sure no one was around.

"I still feel really bad doing this" Elena said with a nervous look.

"It's okay" Brooke said "We just have to find the key and we're out of here, Hailee do your thing".

Hailee reached into her hair and pulled out a bobby pin, she then began to use the bobby pin to pick the lock, and soon the door was unlocked.

"There you go" she said.

"Okay" Brooke said "Hailee, you stay out here and keep watch, and make sure Mr. Gram does not come in".

"I'm on it" Hailee promised as Elena and Brooke went inside the office.

"Okay Elena" Brooke said "You look in his desk while I look in the  file cabinets".

They then started to look for the key.

"I feel so sneaky" Elena confessed.

"Sometimes you have to rebel in order to save everyone from a curse" Brooke said.

As Hailee stood guard, she spotted Mr. Gram walking towards the office.

"Oh oh" Hailee thought "Okay, you know what to do, and play it cool".

"Um, Mr. Gram" she said as she went up to him.

"Yes Hailee?" he asked.

"I heard you were good at math and I was wondering if you can help me with my math homework?"

"All right" he sighed "But can we make this quick cause I have some work to do".

"I'll try to hurry" she lied as she reached into her backpack and pulled out her homework.

"I can't find it" Elena said after she looked through the drawers in the desk.

"Well it has to be around here somewhere" Brooke said "Look in and under things".

So they started to search under books, papers and other stuff, but they can't seem to find it.

"Where could it be?" Brooke asked.

"I don't think it's in here Brooke" Elena said.

"But it has to be, there's gotta be like a secret compartment in here".

At that point, Elena tripped over a chair and bumped into the wall causing a picture frame to fall off.

"You okay?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Elena said.

Brooke then let out a gasp as she pointed to a safe that was in the wall.

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