Ch.8 Love at first bump

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"So what's your first class?" Olivia asked Elena.

"Um" Elena said as she looked at her schedule "English with, Mr. Bree".

"Oh, you're gonna love that class, Mr. Bree is a really good teacher, do you want to go to it now?"

"Uh, sure".

"Ok, and maybe we can continue the tour later".

Elena followed Olivia up some stairs and to a classroom.

"Here it is" Olivia said as she knocked on the door and opened it.

"Mr. Bree" Olivia said as she and Elena walked in.

Elena saw all of the students looking at her, she felt a bit shy as she stood behind Olivia.

"Hello Olivia" Mr. Bree said.

"This is Elena" Olivia pointed to Elena "She's new here and she's gonna be in your class".

"Well it's nice to meet you Elena" Mr. Bree said kindly "You're just in time for our assignment, have a seat".

"I'll see you soon" Olivia whispered to Elena as she left the room.

Elena found a spot to sit at the back of the classroom, so she went over and sat down behind a girl with brown curly hair and her McDonald's tea next to her. The girl then turned to face Elena with her big bright eyes.

"Hello" she smiled.

"Um, hi" Elena said.

"I'm Lauren, so you're new here?"


"Where did you move from?"

"New York".

"Oh, you used to live in the big city huh?"


"How's it like there?"

"Lots of traffic, lots of things are expensive, too much people blocking your way when you're trying to walk down the streets, it's kinda hard living in the city".

"Oh, well you'll like it here, it's not like living in the city".

"I know".

"So what brought you to Storybrooke?"

"Brooke Page made me come".

"Oh Brooke" Lauren smirked "Did she tell you that she thinks all of the students here is actually a child of a fairytale character?"

"Yeah, she thinks I'm Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen".

"Huh? But you don't seem evil to me".

"I'm not".

"I know" Lauren smiled.

"Who does Brooke think you are?"Elena asked.

"Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter".

"Well that explains why you're drinking tea".

"Well, I do love tea, but I can't stand normal tea".

"What is normal tea?"

"I have no idea".

After English, Elena looked at her schedule as she walked down the hall, but as she was looking, she accidentally bumped into someone and both of them dropped their stuff.

"I'm so sorry" they both said.

Elena saw that it was a guy with stubborn brown hair and black glasses that blocked his blue eyes. They both bent down and helped each other pick up their stuff.

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