Ch.54 Ms. Eve

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On Monday, Elena walked into her Chemistry classroom and sat next to Terrence.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hey" he smiled back.

"How you been?"

"Good, you?"


They both felt a bit flirty after since the little kiss Elena gave him.

"Um, where's Mr. Long?" she asked.

"I think I heard that we're getting a sub today".

Just then the lady who had driven in front of Elena and Brooke on Sunday walked into the classroom. Elena didn't noticed it was the lady who could of gotten them hurt, so she assumed the lady was the substitute. After the bell had rung and everyone was in their seat. The lady got up and began to write her name on the whiteboard.

"Hello everyone" she said to the class "Mr. Long is sick and I don't know when he'll be back so I will be your sub for a few days, maybe a week or so. Anyway, my name is Ms. Eve-".

"Ms. Eve?" Kendell said with a chuckle "That's your name?"

"Yeah" Ms. Eve said with a smirk as she walked up to him "You got a problem with that?"

"Uh, no" he said timidly as she looked at him with a strong look.

"Good" she smiled as she walked back to the front "Now, I hope you all will do your best to behave, because if you don't, there will be consequences. And trust me, you don't wanna get in trouble with me".

She then gave everyone a stern look with her red lips curled into a sneaky smile.

"So without further or do, let me take attendance".

She looked at the clipboard and started to take roll call.

"Uh, Elena Jensen?" she called.

"Here" Elena raised her hand.

"Oh Elena" Eve smiled "I've heard about you, so you won Homecoming Queen?"

"I did".

"Well that must of felt nice, to have everyone love you. I hope to see you do your best in this class".

"Ok" Elena said with a small smile, but inside she wasn't really feeling this sub.

"Kendell Smith" Eve called.

"Here" Kendell raised his hand.

"Ah, Mr. boy who thinks my name is weird" Eve smiled "I hope to see you behave better".

"Yes ma'am" he said with a scared look.

Elena looked at Kendell and saw that he seemed to be scared of Ms. Eve, she's never seen Kendell like this before. This sub was not like other subs.

When the bell had rung indicating that class was over, everyone got up and started to head out the door.

"Goodbye" Ms. Eve smiled.

But before Elena walked out of the door, she took a glance at Eve who gave her a little smile.

"Goodbye Elena" she said with the smile as Elena gave a small smile as she walked out of the classroom and caught up wit Terrence.

"Ok" she said "That new sub kinda creeps me out".

"Tell me about it" he agreed.

"I mean, did you see the way she talked to Kendell, he was actually afraid of her".

"I know, it's so weird, I've never seen a sub like this".

"Yeah why did Mr. Gram hire her to be our sub?"

"Who knows".

During lunch, Elena told her friends about Ms. Eve and how she acted.

"And she dresses like she wants to seduce someone" she added.

"Wow" Kayla said "Sounds like she could be a cougar".

"Kayla!" Francis gasped.

"Just saying" she said as she took a sip of her soda.

"And Mr. Gram hired her?" Olivia asked.

"Apparently yes" Elena said "Now why the hell would he hire her?"

"Maybe she acted different around him and he saw her as a nice sub" Macy suggested "But then when he hired her she exposed her true self and he probably doesn't know".

"You really think so?" Elena asked.

"I don't know, it's just a thought".

"Well if Mr. Gram doesn't know about her, should we tell him?" Lauren asked.

"I think I will soon" Elena said "I wanna see what other things she does first".


Now alone in the classroom, Eve sat at the desk and thought about what happened today.

"So everyone goes by a different name here huh?" she asked herself "I guess that's what the curse does".

She then started to think about Elena.

"And it seems that my own daughter is here too. Wonder if Ms Apple White is here too".

She then spotted a cockroach scattering across the floor. She then shot a ball of light out of her finger towards the insect and watched as it turned to ashes. She then reached into her purse and pulled out the spell book and opened it. She flipped through the pages until she came upon a spell.

"Aha" she smiled "Here it is".

She read the spell as a sneaky look formed on her face.

"Hopefully nothing will stand in my way this time".

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