Ch.43 Reyna's secret

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By the time school was done, Ilene headed towards her car, but she stopped when someone called her name, she turned around and saw Macy coming towards her.

"Yes?" Ilene asked.

"Have you seen Reyna?" Macy asked.

"No, she left school and she never came back".

"Well look, what you did was wrong Ilene. Ever since Reyna walked out on school, her friends had tried to call her and she never answered, and they're getting worried about her".

"So what?" Ilene asked annoyed "She wants to be alone".

"Ilene" Macy said with a frown "You have to apologize to Reyna".

"Apologize?" Ilene said surprised "Hell no, she changed my name to Whore, she should be the one to apologize to me first".

"It doesn't matter who apologizes first, you have to apologizes to her because you really hurt her".

"Well she hurt me first".

"Look, I know Reyna can be a real bitch sometimes, but what you did really hurt her, and you have to apologize to her now".


"I'd do it to get it over with".

Ilene gave a groan "Fine".

"And I'm coming with you to see how it goes".

"Whatever, get in".

The girls got into Ilene's car and drove off. Once they made it to Reyna's house, they got out and went to the door.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Ilene said with frustration.

"You have to" Macy said.

"But what if she wont forgive me?"

"Well at least you apologize, now ring the doorbell".

Ilene sighed as she rang the doorbell and waited, but no answer. She tried it again, but still no answer.

"Reyna" Macy called as she knocked on the door, but there still no answer.

"Is she even home?" she said.

"She has to be, her car's right there" Ilene pointed to Reyna's car in the parkway.

"I thought she rode with Kendell and his band".

"Well I saw her drive to school today, I don't know why she didn't ride with them today, but that's not important. Why isn't she answering? Reyna open the door now!" Ilene shouted as she banged on the door.

"Ilene!" Macy stopped her "Not too harsh".

"I just wanna get this over with, hey maybe her door's unlocked".

She turned the door handle and was surprised to find that it was unlocked. The girls peeked in but couldn't find Reyna.

"Reyna!" Ilene called "We're coming in!"

"You really think she's here?" Macy asked as they walked in.

"Yes, what person leaves their door unlocked when they're not home? So she has to be here".

They then started to look for Reyna.

"Where's her room?" Macy asked.

"I think it's that one" Ilene pointed to a door as they walked towards it.

"Reyna" she called as she knocked on the door, no answer.

So she slowly opened the door and peeked in and gasped. Reyna was lying on the floor  passed out with slices on her wrists with blood coming out and onto the floor, there was a small bloody knife in her hand and pills were scattered around floor. Ilene and Macy quickly ran to her as Ilene felt her pulse.

"She's still breathing!" she said with a scared look "Macy call 911!"

"On it!" Macy said as she pulled out her phone and started to call 911.

As she talked to 911, Ilene took off her jacket and pressed it against the slices on Reyna's wrist to stop the bleeding.

"What have a done?" she asked herself as she panic "Come on Reyna, stay with me".

When the ambulance arrived, Ilene and Macy watched as Reyna was put in the back of the ambulance and was taken to the hospital.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Macy asked an officer.

"Well she did loose a pint of blood" he said "And she was overdosed in those Prozac pills".

"Wait" Ilene said "What pills?"

"Prozac pills, usually teens who suffer from major depression take Prozac pills to calm them, and it seems that she must of been really stressed out so she took a bunch of them which caused her to pass out, but the doctors will do everything they can to save her".

Ilene and Macy stood there was shock as the officer went away. Ilene then reached into her purse and pulled out Reyna's diary and started to read it. As she read it, she came to a part that made her eyes widen.

"Macy" she said with a shocked look "Reyna has been suffering from major depression".

"What?" Macy gasped.

"She says that she's super stressed 24/7 and that she takes Prozac every morning, but they don't seem to help her. She even had thoughts of committing suicide before".

"Oh my God!"

"She's kinda like me" Ilene said with a sad look.


"Have you seen me? I dress like a slut, I had a secret relationship with Aidan when he was dating Olivia, I post slutty pictures of myself on Instagram. And ever since people found out about me and Aidan, I've been stressed everyday. People call me a slut and a whore, do you know how stressful my life is now?"

"Ilene" Macy said sadly "I'm so sorry".

"And I feel terrible now" Ilene said as she felt her eyes water "And all of those things Reyna said about me were true, I am a slut".

"Wait, everything?"

"Yes, everything".

"Even when she said that you slept-".

"Yes, I did sleep with Aidan" she admitted as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Macy gave a small gasp as Ilene wiped the tear off her face.

"I just wanted to get back at her" she said as more tears came out "And now she's in the hospital because of me. Lauren was right, I did go too far".


As Brooke walked down the streets, she studied the key that she and Elena stole from Mr. Gram's office, now all she needed was the raven's feather to reattach to the key and the key will be complete. But in order to do so, she needed to find Elena. As she walked down the sidewalk she watched as an ambulance passed by with it's lights flashing, she wondered who was in the ambulance. But that wasn't important, what's important was that she had to find Elena.

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