Ch.30 The Dark One

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Now at Olivia's house, the girls set out their stuff for the sleepover and got into their PJs. But when Elena looked at Lauren, she saw a scar on her arm she's never seen before.

"Hey Lauren" she said "Where'd you get that scar?"

"Oh" Lauren said as she looked at her scar "I don't remember".

"Hey girls" Francis said "What movie should we watch, 'The Notebook' or 'Scary Movie 5'?"

"There's a 'Scary Movie 5'?" Kayla said.

"I think we should watch 'Scary Movie'" Elena said "Cause, well, you know" she motioned to Olivia.

"Oh right" Francis said "So no Notebook".

"Aww" Hailee said disappointed.

"Hey girls" Macy said "Did you see the way Rachel acted when we were talking to her earlier?"

"Yeah" Lauren agreed "She was acting like she's depressed or something".

"Well whatever it is, she's not acting like herself" Kayla said.

"I think it's because she has a love problem" Julie said "Earlier today she told me that the guy she likes likes another girl and she feels invisible".

"Wow, even love experts have love problem? Kayla said.

"But she didn't tell me who she liked though".

"I'm sure she'll be ok" Lauren said "It just needs to takes time".

"So in the meantime" Francis "Can we start on the movie?"

"Oh right, the movie" Elena said as they started the movie.

Maddie walked down the hall until she came to the janitor's closet where she first met Raven, and she knew that Raven was inside. She knocked on the door.

"Raven" she said.

"Go away Maddie" she heard Raven cry "I wanna be alone".

"No you don't" Maddie said as she opened the door and saw Raven sitting in the corner crying her eyes out.

Maddie saw that her eye makeup was smeared and dripping down her cheeks.

"I just wanna talk to you" she said.

"But I don't wanna hurt you again" Raven sobbed.

"You didn't hurt me".

"What about that cut on your arm?" she pointed to the cut on Maddie's arm that was still dripping blood.

"Oh" Maddie said "It's just a scratch".

"A scratch? That's gonna turn into a scar!"

"Um-" Maddie hesitated.

"Look Maddie, I think you should stay away from me, cause I'm still trying to control my powers, and I don't wanna hurt anyone".

"I'm not going anywhere" Maddie said as she sat in front of her "I know that you didn't mean to hurt Faybelle or me".

"But I did" Raven cried "And now everyone is even more afraid of me".

"I'm not".

"Really Maddie?" Raven asked with a mad look "You're not scared of me? Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"Well yes but-".

"But what? You really are afraid of me?-"


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