Ch.15 The love expert

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As Elena walked down the hallway, she noticed Terrence sitting on a bench reading a book. She decided it was a good time to ask him to hang out with her at the 'Wonder diner'. She walked towards him, only to be blocked by a girl with some pink papers in her hands.

"Hey you're Elena right?" she asked Elena "The new girl?"

"Uh, yes" Elena said, a bit frustrated that this girl had blocked her path.

"I'm Rachel Fox" the girl said "And I'm considered the love expert at this school, I help people with love problems, matchmaking, and anything about love. And I was wondering if you have any love problems that you would like for me to solve".

"Oh" Elena said "Well, um, ok, there's this guy that I think is cute, and I want to ask him to hang out with me after school today, but I'm feeling a bit shy, what if I say something embarrassing?"

"Well" Rachel said "My best advice for you is to build up your courage and just talk to him, guy's like it when girls show their feelings, so be confident in yourself and ask him".

"But what if he says no?" Elena asked.

"If he says no because he's busy, find another time to do it. But if he says no because he's not interested in you, give a smile and say that's ok, if he's not interested he's not interested. Then move on with something else. But if he says yes, when you're with him, just be yourself, cause no one likes it when people try to be someone else".

Elena gave a small smile "Well thanks Rachel, I'll try it".

"No problem" Rachel smiled "Oh, and here's my card with my information".

She handed Elena a small pink paper with information about herself and ways to contact her.

"I wish you the best of luck" she gave one last smile as she walked away.

After Rachel was gone, Elena walked pass the crowd to Terrence, only to find him not sitting on the bench, she looked around for him, but she couldn't find him. She gave a sigh, but she decided to try to talk to him after school.

The Evil Queen went down the dark hall with an evil smile on her face, for she had figured out who took the spell book, well at least she thought she knew. She went to a door and went into a room without knocking to find her husband, the Good King looking out his window.

"Hi honey" the queen said with a fake smile.

"Oh hi" the king returned also with a fake smile.

Even though they were married, the king and queen don't always see eye to eye, especially if it's about Raven.

"How's my wonderful husband today?" the queen asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm fine" he said, knowing by her sarcastic tone that she was up to something.

"Now tell me" the queen said with a fake smile "Have you seen my little red spell book with an eclipse on it?"

"I have never seen or touched any of your spell books" the king said "Therefor I don't know about this red spell book".

The queen gave a frown "You're lying".

"I don't lie".

"I suppose you don't" the queen said, remembering that he would never tell a lie "You are the Good King after all, but if you know where my book is, please tell me".

The queen then walked out of the room leaving the king alone. He gave a sigh in relief, he didn't like to lie, but he had to to prevent the queen from finding the spell book that he hid in the dungeon.

The queen then walked into her room with a disappointed look.

"How could I think it was him?" she asked herself "He's too innocent to accuse".

"So who do you think really took it?" the magic mirror asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not giving up yet. In fact, I know someone who might just be able to help me".

As the last bell rang, Elena went outside and tried to find Terrence, she walked around but she couldn't find him. But when she started to walked backwards, she bumped into someone, she turned around and saw that she had bumped into Terrence.

"Oh I'm sorry" they said at the same time.

"That's ok" they said at the same time again.

They both gave a small laugh as they felt themselves blushing.

"I've been looking for you" they both said "Really? Uh, you go first, Ok I'll go first, uh".

"I'll go first" Elena said, breaking the awkward moment "So, um, first of all, how have you been?"

"I'm good" Terrence said as he pulled of his backpack straps "You?"

"I'm fine" Elena offered "And second of all".

She was getting nervous, but she remembered what Rachel had told her.

"Um" she said nervously "Are you doing anything after school?"

"No" he said, a bit nervously too.

"Well um, I was wondering, if you would like to hang out with me at the 'Wonder diner'?"

Terrence's eyes widen "Really?"

"You don't have too" Elena said.

"No I-I was gonna ask you the same thing".

"Really?" Elena gave a small gasped.

"Yeah, but I was a bit nervous".

"Oh" Elena said surprised "So, what do you say?"

"Oh, I would love to hang out with you".

"Great" she smiled "So um, you wanna go now?"

"Uh, sure".

"Ok well, my car's this way".

They were both happy and relieved that they had finally talked to each other, and now they were gonna hang out together. But as they got into Elena's car, Rachel had seen what happened, and she had a sad look on her face. She's been crushing on Terrence for a while, and she never got a chance to tell him how she felt. And now she could tell that he was crushing on Elena, she felt happy for them, but sad that she might never get a chance to tell Terrence how she feels about him. Even the love experts have love problems.

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