Ch.9 Blondie's help

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Now at lunch, Elena sat with Olivia along with Macy, Julie, and Lauren.

"So how's your first day going along?" Macy asked Elena.

"It's going well" she said "Music was fun".

"You should of heard her voice when she sang" Olivia said to the others "She sounded amazing".

"Hey girls" a girl with golden locks came up to them with a notepad and a pen in her hands.

"Oh, hey Hailee" the girls said.

"So I heard that she's a new student here" Hailee pointed to Elena "What was your name again?"

Elena told her her name.

"That's such a pretty name" Hailee said "So I was wondering if I can interview you for my blog".

"What?" Elena said.

"I'm a reporter, I cover all of the news in Storybrooke, whether it's breaking town news or school news, I'm always on the case. And since we haven't had a new student in a long time, I was wondering if I can interview you about your first day so I can put it on my blog".

"She does this a lot" Lauren whispered to Elena.

"Well, ok, you can interview me" Elena said.

"Great, so here did you move from?" Hailee asked.

"New York".

"Interesting, and what made you come to Storybrooke?"

"Well" Elena said, not knowing if she should tell about Brooke "It's a long story".

"Ok?" Hailee said confused "Anyway, what do you think of Storybrooke so far?"

"Well, I haven't got the chance to look around yet, but so far I think this is a very cute place, it's much easier then living in the city, and I think I'll enjoy living here".

"All right, thank you for your time, this story is going to be just right" Hailee smiled as she went away.

"Well she seems nice" Elena said.

"She is" Julie agreed "But sometimes she posts rumors on her blog, like this one time, she posted a rumor that Kayla Wren was raised by wolves and that her parents adopted her".

"Who?" Elena asked.

"Kayla Wren, Mr. Wren's daughter" Lauren said "That's her over there".

Lauren pointed to a girl wearing a red hoodie who was sitting alone at a table and eating her hot dog.

"She's a little shy" Julie said "But that rumor wasn't true, Reyna Quinn just made up that rumor cause Kayla hangs out with the wolves at the animal shelter a lot".

"Who's Reyna Quinn?" Elena asked.

"That girl over there" Macy pointed to a girl at a table talking to her friends "She's a real bitch, I think it was because she had a rough life before, I mean she barely has any friends, I feel kinda bad for her though".

"But she's an amazing dancer" Lauren added "Especially in ballet, you should of seen her when they did a production of 'Swan Lake'".

Just then, a handsome guy with blonde hair and a bright smile came up behind Olivia and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey babe" he smiled.

"Hey" Olivia smiled as they shared a kiss and he sat next to her.

"Oh Elena" Olivia said "This is my boyfriend Aidan, and Aidan this is Elena, the new girl I told you about".

"Nice to meet you" Aidan said to Elena.

"You too" Elena smiled.

"She thinks Terrence's cute" Olivia whispered to Aidan.

"Olivia" Elena gasped as Aidan chuckled.

"So you like my brother huh?" he asked Elena.

"Well, I don't really know much about him" Elena said.

"Can I see your schedule?"


"Can I see your schedule?"

"Um, ok?" Elena said as she handed Aidan her schedule.

"You have to same Science class together" Aidan said.


"Yeah" he said as he handed her schedule back "You should talk to him".

"I might" Elena smirked.

Raven ran until she made it inside the mirror lab, where she saw Blondie Lockes , daughter of Goldilocks along with Dexter, and Humphrey Dumpty, son of Humpty Dumpty.

"Blondie!" Raven called as she ran to the Blondie "I need your help".

"What can I help you with?" Blondie asked.

"Remember at the meeting and I told everyone about the curse?"

"Yeah, I video taped the whole thing".

"Well the spell for the curse is in a book and my mom hid it somewhere, but now it's missing".

"Uh, what do you mean by that?"

"My dragon was at my old castle and she overheard my mom saying that the book is missing".

"Great, so she wont be able to cast the curse".

"But she may go looking for the book, but if I can get my hands on that book, I'll destroy it so the curse wont be cast".

"So why do you need my help?"

"Well you have every student's cell number right?"


"Well I want you to send everyone a text about the book and ask them to help look for it".

"But, we don't even know what it looks like".

"It's a small red book with an eclipse on it, it's also pretty old so the pages are kinda brown. But we have to find that book before my mom does".

"Ok, I'm on it".

"Thank you".

So Blondie sent all of the students a text message about the spell book and asked them to help look for it. After that, Raven went to her dorm and sat on her bed.

"Raven" Apple said "So I got that hext message about the missing spell book, I'll help look for it".

"Thanks Apple" Raven said as she started to think.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm just wondering what happened to the book, did my mom re-place it and forgot about it? Or did someone steal it? And if so, who stole it?"

"Well, I think someone stole it, and whoever stole it must of had a good reason to".

"Wait a minute" Raven gasped "No one knows about the book except my mother and I, so whoever stole must of also known about the book, maybe whoever stole must of hid it somewhere else so my mother will never find it and cast the curse".

"So do you know anyone else who knows about the book?"

"No actually, but my mother will go looking for it, no matter how long it takes, but we have to find it first and get rid of it for good".

"So you don't know any who may know about the book that might of stolen it?"

"I don't know anyone else, but whoever stole it must of hidden it somewhere safe, and until we find that person, we get rid of the book".

Down in a dungeon, a king went over to a cell and went in, he made sure no one was around as he used a shovel to break a piece off the wall and pull it out, he then started to pull out the other pieces revealing a hole, he reached into the hole and pulled out an old small red book with an eclipse on it. He gave a sigh in relief for the queen had not found the book so she could not cast the curse.

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