Ch.51 Homecoming

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"Hey I had this crazy dream last night" Elena told Terrence "So I was going to do a job interview, and Mr. Gram was suppose to be my boss, but while I was in the middle on the interview, a bunch of animals showed up and started to trash the office and we didn't even care?"

"Really?" Terrence chuckled.

"Yeah, but that's not all, Dylan appeared wearing a wedding dress and asked us if he was late for his wedding?"

"Wow" Terrence laughed.

"Yeah" she laughed "And Dylan actually looked good in a wedding dress".

Just then a slow song started to play. Elena and Terrence watched as the couples started to slow dance together. They both felt a bit of awkwardness between them.

As the song continued playing, Scott noticed that Julie was sitting on the bleachers by herself. He then saw that Kendell was hanging out with his band along with Reyna and Bridget.

"Kayla look" he said pointed to Julie.

"Well what do you know" she grinned "I was right, I knew Kendell was gonna ditch her. Now that she's alone, go talk to her".

"I will" he said as he got up and headed towards her.

He stood in front of her until she noticed.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" she said back.

"How come you're not dancing with Kendell?"

"Well" she sighed "Turns out Kayla was right, he ditched me".

Scott then sat next to her.

"You know" he said "Kayla told me that you like me".

Julie's eyes widen, but he then turned into a smile.

"Well she told me that you like me" she said with a smile.

"Well" he sighed "You know I really wanted to go to Homecoming with you".

"Even though you barely know me?"

"Well that's why I wanna know you more".

"Well, what do you wanna know about me?"

"Anything, like what's your favorite animal?"

"I like all animals".

"Me too" he smiled "Um, what's your favorite food".

"Well I'm a vegan, so whatever nature provides".

"Well, I'm a vegetarian, so no meat for me".

"Sounds like we already have some things in common" Julie smiled.

"So um, now that we're at the dance together, do you maybe like, wanna dance with me?"

Julie smiled "Sure".

So they went onto the dance floor and started to slow dance together. They both had smiles on their faces as they danced together. Scott then peered over Julie's shoulder and saw Kayla giving him a thumbs up and a smile. They continued to dance until the song was over.

After the dance, Julie and Scott enjoyed each others company while Elena and Terrence walked around the gym. But as they were walking around, they suddenly ran into Mr. Jones, the mayor of Storybrooke.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said polity.

"Mr. Jones?" Terrence said "What are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to see how the Homecoming dance was like, so I decided to take a break from my office and come here, it's very nice in here, everyone's having a good time".

Once upon a time: Ever After HighDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora