Sierra Leone

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Sierra shift was over and she was heading home. For some reason on her ride there she was thinking about Takasha. How she was mean to her, but in a way she was actually being nice.
She parked in a parking space and got out of her car. She headed inside, said hi to the man that was obsessed with her, then headed upstairs.
Egypt and Nile were sitting at the table doing their homework. She gave them a little kiss then went into the kitchen and started looking around.
"What do you guys want for dinner, spaghetti or we can order some Chinese food." She turned around and smiled at them. They always brightened her day and she loved being with them. They even made her forget about what had happened today.
Nile glance behind him. "I want Chinese food mom." Egypt agreed, so she took up the phone and dialed the number. She told them her order, of shrimp low meins.
Then she sat down at the table with her kids and took glimpses at their homework. "Why are you guys doing your homework so late?" She crossed her legs and did a little smirk.
Egypt bit her lip. She was nervous and Sierra Leone could tell, but she didn't know just what she had done. Everything looked in place to her.
Sierra clasped her hands together. "It's ok you can tell me. I was not the best person at your age and at least I know you're not getting pregnant." Nile laughed and Sierra joined along, then Sierra turned her attention to Nile. "Um...where did your sister go Nile?"
Nile dropped his pencil on the table and looked at Egypt. He wanted to say it so bad, but he couldn't let his sister down, but sadly it couldn't stay in.
"She went over Michael's, but they did not do anything, I was there the whole time. She just ask if he wanted to get a smoothie and that's what they did."
Egypt let out a big huff of hair. "I am going to strangle you Nile. Why would you say anything?" Nile turned his head down to the floor. He was ashamed and Sierra Leone knew that feeling about being ashamed.
She turned to Egypt with a disappointed look on her face. "I am very ashamed of you Egypt. You should know better. Just because your brother is willing to tell the truth and you are not. You can't just be mean to him and make him feel bad."
Egypt just rolled her eyes at her. Sierra was getting annoyed and was just thinking about hitting her in the face, but she had to control her temper. "Egypt just go to you room I do not want to see you for the time being." A tear fell down Egypt's eye and in a way Sierra felt a little sad in herself.
Egypt walked to her room and Sierra just sat there in silence with Nile.

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