Chapter 37: Showdown

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It was the day of Nationals 2012 and it was being held at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center as the sun was coming up and the time was 8:00 AM and at Connor's house, Connor was asleep in his bed until his cell phone alarm went off and he turned it off, then he took off the sleep mask that was on his face and stretched.

Connor got up from his bed and made it, then he walked to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and took a shower, which took 5 minutes, then after coming out of the shower, he put conditioner on his hair, then he combed it and put it in a ponytail. After he did that, he went to the closet to see what he would wear that day.

He selected a Blue T-shirt and blue jeans and then he put on some Converse Chuck Taylors and ate some breakfast which was Bacon & Eggs, then around 9:00 AM, he locked up his house and headed to the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center and met up with Abby, Gianna, the moms and the girls and they walked to the entrance.

"Girls, do not even say one word to Cathy or her crabby apples. Just walk away and pretend that they are not there." Connor told them sternly. "Are we clear?"

"Crystal." Mackenzie stated.

"Ok, Now let's enter the building and win!" Abby boomed as she, Connor, Gianna, Christi, Kelly, Holly, Melissa, Jill, Hollie, Chloe, Brooke, Paige, Nia, Maddie, Mackenzie and Brookie all headed inside of the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center and Connor got the ALDC checked in and they headed to the dressing room that had ALDC.

"Ladies first." Connor said as he opened the door for Abby, Gianna, The Moms and the girls to enter.

"Thank you, Connor." Gianna said as she and Abby entered first, then the moms and girls entered and then Connor was the last to enter.

"You are very welcome." Connor said with a smile on his face, then he replaced that with a serious expression on his face, which meant that he was in tough mode. "All right, we've worked all year, every single day you stepped in the studio to rehearse, the weekends that we went to competition has led us to this point and now this is for all the marbles and remember you are the defending national champions, now moms, get the girls ready."

"Moms, you heard him and the solos will be first, so Melissa, Hollie and Christi, get Maddie, Mackenzie, Brookie and Chloe ready!" Abby ordered.

"You're the boss." Christi said as Chloe sat in front of the makeup chair and her hair, then Christi began to do Chloe's make up while Hollie did Brookie's makeup and hair and Melissa did Maddie and Mackenzie's makeups and hairs.

"I've got a good feeling that we're gonna win. I can feel it." Connor told Abby and Gianna.

"That is great that you've got faith in the girls." Abby told him.

"Yeah, but don't be surprised if Cathy pulls something when they get here." Gianna added.

"Gia, that might be looking likely, knowing that rotten apple." Connor admitted to his girlfriend as they looked on.

Back outside, Cathy, Barb, Tanya, Kelli, Kim, Vivi, Nicole, Justice, Sarah, Erika, Taylor and Kerisa were seen arriving at the performing arts center from a van, then they got out of the van and got their dancing bags.

"We're here!" Cathy cheerfuly said.

"I can't wait to see Abby and her crew leave as losers while we leave as winners and new national champions!" Nicole added.

"Me either." Barb agreed.

"After this, we go home, but it would be even better with a win at Nationals." Cathy informed them. "Justice, i've told you this before, you're going up against Maddie and Chloe and with the solo you have, you can show those judges what you're made of and Vivi is going up against Mackenzie and Brookie and i know you can beat them and our group dance will knock them out of the water.

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