Chapter 10: ALDC Vs CADC, Round 2

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In Connor's hotel room the next morning, which was competition day, Connor was asleep in the bed and his alarm went off on his phone as he woke up after hearing his alarm, his hair was in a ponytail, he had on black crewneck t-shirt and black walkaround pants.

He got up from the bed and made it up to make it look neat. After doing that that, Connor headed to the bathroom, brushed his long hair and got in the shower. He washed and conditioned his hair and let it dry, then he curled his hair with Moroccan oil, brushed his teeth and left the bathroom.

"Let's see what i'm gonna put on today." Connor said as he walked to the closet to see what he was going to wear, he picked out red trackpants with a white stripe on the sides, and a red Los Angeles Angels button down jersey that was made for him two years ago with his last name on the back and the number was one with red converse chuck taylor sneakers.

He then grabbed his cell phone, mp3 player, camera and exited his hotel room, and took an elevator to the lobby and when he got off, he saw Abby, Christi and Gianna talking at a round table.

"Christi, you don't hear me saying this often, but i think that if your daughter continues to dance well like she did last year's nationals and last weekend, this could be her year." Abby said to Christi.

"I agree. Chloe has been improving and she does it with humbleness." Christi stated. "She's gonna be a success because of her improving and she has a heart of gold."

"That's true." Gianna added. "Chloe doesn't brag about it, she just loves to dance."

"You know, she does look up to Connor because he's helped her out like he's helped the girls." Christi admitted, she was happy that Connor was the closest to her daughter.

"No wonder why he's so attached to her, he considers her the little sister that he never had, but he loves the girls just the same." Abby said, then she noticed that her son was approaching the table as Christi and Gianna saw him too.

"And speaking of Connor, here he is!" Gianna stated. "Hello, Connor."

"Hello, Gia." Connor greeted his girlfriend with a kiss, then he turned to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, Mom."

"How are you doing this morning, sweetheart?" Abby asked her son.

"I'm doing good." Connor replied, then he gave Christi a hug. "Hello, Christi."

"What's up, C.M.?" Christi said to him as he sat on the empty chair.

"Nothing much." Connor replied.

"Abby, i've got a question, with Thanksgiving nearing, where's it gonna be at this year?" Christi wondered.

"Last year, we had it at my house, but i talked to my son and told him that we are gonna have it at his house." Abby told her.

"Ok, thanks for giving me the heads up."

"No problem." Abby said and then after minutes of talking, Connor went back to his hotel room and grabbed his bags and cleaned up a bit, then he exited and headed back to the lobby, where Abby, Gianna, the girls and their moms were and they had their bags.

"Hello, crew." Connor said.

"Hey, Connor. Are you ready to see us beat those rotten apples?" Nia asked him.

"Ready when you are."

"All right, let's get on the bus!" Abby demanded as she, her son, Gianna, the moms and the girls all got on the bus and Jim drove them to the theater.

Four minutes later, the bus arrived at the Phoenix Theatre, where the competition was going to be held at. Abby and Connor got off first like usual with the girls, the moms and Gianna getting off next, they went to the side of the bus to get their luggage from the luggage compartment, but Connor's luggage would stay in there since they were gonna head home after the competition, then they headed inside as Connor checked them in the competition. Then they headed down the hall and saw a dressing room that said ALDC and entered.

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