Chapter 2: New Members

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In Studio A, Chloe was stretching while waiting for everyone else to come in as Connor set the pyramid up before she had come in, then Connor and Abby both came in and saw her stretching.

"Chloe's been stepping her game up and she's proving it by stretching early." Abby observed.

"She sure has and i couldn't help but smile when she won at Nationals." Connor agreed.

"Chloe does look up to you, whenever she had a solo, you've always helped her out whenever i was working with one of the other girls and this may be her year."

"Ready to call the others in?"

"Yes, i am. Come on, girls! Get in here, Chop Chop!" Abby yelled as Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke and Paige came in with the moms and took their spots and everyone, except Christi was surprised that Chloe was already there."Girls, moms, we would like to say welcome back and welcome to another dance season and you're the reigning National Champions, but however, when you're a champion, you become a target and what that means is that every dance studio wants to take your National Title, so therefore, you have to bring your A-Game at every compeition we go to. Now let's get to business with the pyramid." Connor said.

"At the bottom of the pyramid we have....Mackenzie." Abby stated as she revealed Mackenzie's headshot first. "You didn't have a solo, you were only in the group dance so not much to judge you on."

"Next we have...Maddie." Connor said, as he revealed the headshot of Maddie, who looked sad as Melissa felt bad for her daughters, usually they would be on the middle or one of them would be on the top of the pyramid. "Maddie, you placed ninth at Nationals and that was unacceptable! Seriously, you went from being first to ninth at Nationals!"

"Next...Nia." Abby revealed Nia's headshot as Holly rolled her eyes. "Connor and i have told you over and over about you pointing those feet over and over again and you still sickled them in the group dance!"

"Next on the pyramid is....Brooke." Connor revealed Brooke's headshot. "Brooke, you were given a solo and you got third, you're getting there, but you have to smile!"

"Next we have....Paige." Abby said as she revealed Paige's headshot. "Paige, you did a great job in the group dance and you stayed focused."

"And at the top of the Pyramid, we have...Chloe." Connor revealed Chloe's photo at the top of the pyramid as everyone applauded and gave her hugs as Christi smiled and even Abby gave a smile. "Chloe, your solo at Nationals was phenomenal and your part in the group dance was flawless and it got a perfect score!"

Chloe gave a smile as she nooded humbly as the girls hugged her.

Mackenzie raised her hand as she and the other girls looked at the two pictures that were covered as Abby and Connor looked at them. "Connor, Miss Abby, i noticed there are two photos that are covered up, do we have new members of the team?"

"Well, Mackenzie. We're glad you asked that because we were gonna talk to you all before pyramid, but we decided to wait after pyramid to tell you girls and moms. So, before we get into assigments, we're gonna have two new members of the team this season, so let's welcome..." Abby revealed the first picture and it was the picture of a brown haired girl who was eight. "Kendall Vertes and her mother, Jill!"

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