Chapter 19: The awakening of Connor

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Three weeks had passed since Connor fell into a coma after his head hit a table after he tripped at the last competition of the first half of the dancing season and it was a sunny morning. Connor was still lying in a coma on his bed at the hospital as Abby had walked in, she was wearing her usual attire and didn't have on makeup. She grabbed a chair and put it next to his left bedside and the time on the clock was 8:00 AM.

A knock was heard as Abby got up from her chair to see who was at the door. she then opened the door and standing at the doorway was the Millers' long time family doctor and friend, Dr. Isabella Cartwright.

"Hi, Abby." Isabella greeted.

"Hello, Isabella." Abby replied as the two shared a hug.

"How is he?"

"He's still in his coma, I hope he wakes up."

"Abby, i'm optimistic he'll wake up and the good thing is when we checked him in the three weeks he has been in a coma, there haven't been any complications so he might wake up sometime next week, but you never know, he might wake up today."

"I hope so." Abby said sullenly as she looked at her comatose son, then she froze when she heard a familiar groan, as she saw his finger twitch, which was a sign that he was slowly, but surely regaing consciousness and then his eyes slowly fluttered open as he tried to focus his eyes. Connor moved his hand and let out another groan and he turned his head to the left and saw that his mother and family doctor, Isabella were looking at him.

"H-hi, M-Mom."

"Connor..." Abby said as tears had begun to fall, but those were tears of joy as she got up from her chair as she realized that her son had woken up from his coma and leaned over and gave him a hug. "You're awake!"

Connor slowly wrapped his arms around his mother as Isabella smiled at the moment.

"It's great to be out of my coma." Connor said.

"How are you feeling, bud?" Abby asked, looking happy for the first time in three weeks.

"I'm feeling ok, even though i'm slightly disoriented from being in a three week coma and i feel hungry."

"That's good to know."

"What day is it and how long was i in a coma?"

"It's March 3rd and it is Saturday, you were in a coma for three weeks because you accidentally tripped and hit your head on a makeup table at a competition in Chicago, you lost a little bit of blood, but the doctors at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital stitched you up." Isabella told him.

"I'm so glad you're ok." Abby stated.

"I'm strong, i'm a warrior and warriors never ever give up even when things look bleak. Things would not be the same without me." Connor told his mother. "How have the girls been holding up while i was in my coma?"

"They were sad, but Chloe was the saddest because she considers you the older brother she never had."

"I bet she's gonna be happy when she finds out i'm awake."

"She will and even the other girls, their moms and Gianna will be as well. I'm gonna call Christi and let her know, then she'll spread the news to the others." Abby stated as she dialed Christi's number.

Meanwhile, at the Lukasiak household, Chloe was asleep in her bedroom and then she was awakened by the sound of her door opening, she opened her eyes and saw that Christi was walking in with a excited smile on her face.

"Chloe, i have some incredible fantastic news!" Christi said excitedly to her daughter. "I just got off the phone with Abby and she just confirmed that Connor just awoke from his coma!"

Chloe's eyes went wide with joy at the news that her mother just shared. "HE'S AWAKE?!"

"Yes he is." Christi said with a smile.

Chloe had a huge grin on her face, she now knew that Connor was awake and was gonna be ok.

At the Hyland household, Brooke, Paige and Josh walking into the kitchen for breakfast and when they entered the kitchen, they noticed that Kelly was smiling big time after she had gotten off the phone.

"Mom, you're looking happy like never before." Josh observed the glee on his mother's face.

"What's happening?" Brooke wondered.

"Any good news about Connor?" Paige hoped.

"Yep, Abby just told me that Connor has awakened from his three week coma!" Kelly informed them and the three had big smiles on their faces.

"All right!" Josh cheered.

"Yay!" Paige exclaimed.

"Connor's back!" Brooke said as she, Paige and Josh hugged Kelly.

At the Vertes residence, Kendall, Ryleigh and Charlotte were coming downstairs from their bedrooms after they brushed their teeth and got ready for the day and when they got to the kitchen they saw Jill with a smile on her face.

"Mom, what's going on?" Charlotte asked.

"Abby just called and she just told me that Connor is out of his coma." Jill replied.

At the Ziegler household, Brookie and Hollie were there spending the night with Maddie, Mackenzie and Melissa and in the Kitchen, Melissa was in the kitchen getting ready to make some breakfast when the phone rang and she picked up.

"Hello? Hey Abby, what's going on?" Melissa asked, then a big grin was on her face. "What?! He is? That's great, Abby! I'll tell them."

"Mrs. Ziegler, what's going on?" Brookie asked.

"Abby just called, she just informed me that Connor is out of his coma!"

"He's gonna be ok!" Mackenzie squealed as she and Maddie shared a hug and pulled Brooke K into the hug as well.

"Connor's back!" Maddie exclaimed after hearing the fantastic news.

"In the words of Ren & Stimpy, Happy Happy Joy Joy!" Hollie said.

At the household of the Fraziers, Nia had just woke up and got out of the bed, then she made it up and a knock was on her bedroom door, she went to see who knocked and it was Holly, who was beaming.

"Nia, i've got some wonderful news to share with you!" Holly said.

"What is it?" Nia asked.

"Connor is out of his coma, Abby just told me!"

Nia had a huge smile on her face as she then hugged her mother. "I'm so happy to hear that Connor is awake!"

For three weeks, the girls and their moms had been saddened when Connor was in his coma, but now that he was out of his coma, they were happy again and couldn't wait to see him.

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