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Students trudged into Harry's class the following day, tired and sore from practicing. The Slytherin V. Gryffindore game was that night and both houses had run their players to the ground.

"Excited?" Harry asked as the students take their place

"I would be if Andre would stop trying to kill us." A Slytherin complained


"If Wood hadn't killed us last night." Teddy complained

"Like father like son." Harry chuckled "Now, dueling."

Several students gave him confused looks.

"Dueling is a form of fighting in which you try to disarm and only disarm your opponent. I will not condone violent hexes." Harry continued "I have asked my former dueling partner to help demonstrate."

Draco Malfoy stepped into the classroom and smiled.

"When you begin a duel, you take a few steps away, turn and bow."

"Scared Potter?" Draco asked jokingly

"You wish." Harry joked back

"Expeliarmus!" Draco yelled

"Protego." Harry responded

"Petrificous Totalus!"




Draco's wand flew from his hand and two wizards shook hands.

"Well done Draco."

"You too."

The students stared in awe at the two professors. James raised his hand.

"Yes James?" Harry asked

"Why would we have to duel?"

"Hopefully you never will but we want you to be prepared." Draco responded for Harry who looked worried

The bell rang and the students began to gather their things.

"Bring your wands to the next class, have fun at the game and remember it's just a game!"

The students groaned and left the classroom.

"Teachers' meeting after the game tonight." Draco told Harry


Draco left the room and Harry put his head in his hands. There was something wrong at the school, he just didn't know what.

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