Father son time

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  "James." Harry sighed as they walked into his office "what's going on with you?"
  "Nothing." James snapped defiantly
"Something." Harry snapped back slamming the door "You aren't that reckless. You never would have ran out into a field filled with dementors or used livecorpus on another student before and you most certainly would not have spoken to me the way you are now."
  "I don't know." James said sarcastically "Maybe it's 'cause you didn't tell me that you'd be teaching this year or that I live in your shadow. Or it could be that I honestly wanted to know if you would be teaching us any defensive spells!"
  Harry looked at his son and smiled at how the boys eyes lit up when he talked about defensive spells. He truly wanted to learn how to protect himself and his friends.
  "First of all a patronus could very well save your life. Secondly, I didn't tell you about me teaching because and I wanted to surprise you and yes you will be learning other defensive spells." Harry began "and do you really believe that you live in my shadow?"
  "Yes. I live in your shadow." James said "Last year every time I did something wrong, teachers would say "Your father wouldn't have done that." or "I'd expect better from a Potter." It's annoying! Or even when I'd do something right like at flying lessons madam Hooch would say "Very skilled, Just like your father." Or "You remind me of your father Potter." It's like I'm not James. I'm Harry Freakin' Potter's son. I can't be just James! I have to be a mini Harry Potter!" 
   Harry looked at his son and pulled him into a hug.
  "You know what I see when I see you?" He asked
  "Your son." James snorted
  "No." Harry said
James gave him a confused look.
"I see a brave, talented, amazing boy who is a great friend. What you, Teddy and Lily did last night, I would have never done. Because I never had to. If you don't want to live in my shadow then don't. Have your own Hogwarts experience not mine. Hogwarts was home to me but Hogwarts is your second home. You born here. This is your castle. Have fun. Come up with your own little niche in the school. Don't be Harry Potter, be James Sirius Potter. You were named after two of the three marauders and you're best friends with the third one's daughter. You can do anything you want and I have something to help you do that." Harry said, walking over to his desk
  He pulled out an old piece of parchment and smiled. The words he was about to say he hadn't said in years.
   "I solemly swear that I am up to no good."
   He sat down next to his son and said "It's called the marauders map. It was created by your grandad and his two best friends. Your grandad was Prongs, Sirius Black was Padfoot and Remus Lupin was Moony."
  "Who was Wormtail?" James asked
Harry clenched his teeth.
  "A traitor but that's a story for another time."
  James nodded.
  "When you want to look at it all you have to do is tap it with your wand and say "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." and it will reveal itself  and when you are finished you tap it and say "Mischief Managed." oh and don't get caught with it, professor Longbottom and Mcgonnagal would have my head." Harry said with a wink "Now get out of here."
  James gave his dad a hug and whispered "I love you dad."
   "What brought that on?" Harry asked surprised
   James never said I love you.
    "You had tears in your eyes when you started talking about Moony, Prongs and Padfoot." James shrugged "They all treated you like you were their son and you actually were Prongs'  son. I can't imagine losing my dad three times to Voldemort and you pretty much did. I never want to lose you. I love you."
   Harry smiled.
  "I love you too now off to dinner!"

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