The Portrait

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After the feast, the Headmistress stood and quieted the Great Hall.
"Before we retire to our dormitories, there are a few reminders. All students are prohibited from going past the memorial garden in the Forbidden Forest, the third corridor is off limits to all students, and Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that all Weasley Wizarding Wheezes products are forbidden at Hogwarts." She said "Now, off to bed. All of you!"
The Gryffindore table stood and left the Great Hall. They traveled up the moving flights of stairs and stared at the portraits on the wall. One picture in particular caught James' eye. Three men, one tall and skinny with black hair and brown eyes, another tall and slightly muscular with sandy blonde hair, like Teddy's and another tall skinny man with long black hair and dark eyes like Lily's. He moved to get Teddy's attention but they had already passed the pictures. They came to the fat lady and stopped.
"Password?" She said
"Acid Pops." The Prefect said
The portrait swung open and the first years stepped into the Gryffindore common room.
"Boys dormitories to the left, girls to the right." The Prefect said
Teddy and James said goodnight to Lily and rushed up the stairs.
Several hours later, Teddy felt a knee hit his stomach.
"Ted!" James whisper-yelled "Wake up!"
"What James." Teddy yawned
"I want to show you something. Lily's already in the common room."
The two boys snuck quietly down the stairs and met Lily in the common room.
"What pray tell are we doing?"
James didn't reply, he just gestured for them to follow him. They snuck out the portrait hole and into the corridor. Lily and Teddy followed James down the corridor and they came to a stop outside of the portrait James had seen earlier.
"Yes?" Asked the tall, sandy haired man
Teddy leaned into Lily and whispered "He looks like me."
Lily nodded and said "He does, doesn't he?"
The man smiled.
"What are your names?" He asked
"I'm Lily." Lily said "Actually it's Lillian."
"I guess you could call her Nyphadora as well." James joked
"James Sirius Potter, ever call me Nyphadora again and I swear to Merlin you will find your trousers in the womping willow." Lily snapped, her hair turning Blue
"I take it you Harry's son?" The man chuckled "And why would I call her Nyphadora?"
"Yep." James said "That's her middle name."
"And who are you?" The man asked Teddy, who had been quiet with his head down
He looked up and said "I'm Teddy Remus Lupin." Timidly.
The man looked taken aback and the two other men laughed.
"We told you our names." Lily stated "Now tell us yours."
The men smiled at her.
"I'm Remus Lupin." The first man said "Teddy is my son."
"I'm James Potter." The man with the messy black hair and brown eyes said
"And I'm Sirius Black." The man with the long black hair and dark eyes said
James looked amazed.
"I got my first and middle name from the two of you." He said to James and Sirius
Sirius smiled.
"You're my dad." Lily stated to Sirius
"Impossible." The first James Potter chuckled
"It's true." Lily said "My name is Lillian Nyphadora Black. My mother and Father are Athena and Sirius Black."
James looked at Sirius and Sirius nodded.
"It's true." He assured his friend "Though thankfully she looks more like her mother than me."
"Except for her eyes." Remus said "She has her-"
"My father's eyes." Lily finished "Yeah, I know. My grandmum tells me all the time."
They heard footsteps and the three men looked down at them.
"You should get back to your houses before you get caught." James said
The three raced back to the Gryffindore common room and said goodnight once more.
A/N: Oh yeah, forgot to mention Lily Black is a Metamorphagus, like Teddy and her partial Namesake Tonks and the next chapter is going to be on the last day of first year.

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