The Surprise

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  "Out with it mate!" Ron yelled
Harry and Ginny had been standing in front of the family for a full three minutes not saying anything. Ginny bit her lip and smiled at Harry.
  "I'm pregnant." She announced excitedly
   Molly was the first to rise and congratulate the couple, then came Arthur then the flow of congratulations began. Lily Potter was practically bouncing with joy.
  "I'm gonna be a big sister!" She squealed causing the whole family to laugh.  The festivities went on well into the night until Ginny and Molly sent the children to bed. One by one each member of the family either said goodnight and went up to bed or said goodbye and apparated home. Molly was the last to go to bed, she put all of the lights out and began to walk up the stairs. The wind began to howl fiercely as she shut the door to her and Arthur's room and snow began to fall thickly. It looked as though a blizzard had begun and everyone was sleeping through it. The sound of someone apparating awoke Lily Black and she crept down the stairs just as Teddy and James awoke to the same sound and followed her. Lily stopped as the boys ran into her causing her to draw her wand. She laughed as the light from the crescent moon hit the terrified boys faces.
   "The noise wake you too?" She asked
  "Yeah." Teddy said
  The trio slipped their sweaters and shoes on and grabbed their wands and snuck out the back door into the snow covered field.
   "Hello?" Lily asked
  "Hello?" A man's voice echoed
  Lily began to walk towards the sound but Teddy stopped her.
  "We don't know who that is." He whispered
  "We have out wands." Lily shrugged and continued walking
   She stopped when she ran into a man she'd seen before but only in a portrait.
   "Hello." He said kindly
  "How?" Lily asked

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