The Sorting Hat

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The noisy first years entered the school and stood in the corridor. A stout professor in purple robes stepped out of The Great Hall and examined the group. His eyes fell on a group of three and he smiled. A boy with sandy blonde hair, a red headed girl and a boy with brown hair stood closely together. He cleared his throat, causing the children to quiet down.
   "In a matter of moments you will enter through these doors and be stirred into you're houses." He began, reciting the words Professor Mcgonnagal had said his first year "The houses are Gryffindore, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. While you are here, your house will be like your family. You will eat together, sleep together and learn together. You will earn points for your house by following the rules any infraction in the rules will cause your house to lose points. I suggest you take this time to tidy up as much as possible. Mr. Potter." 
   James' head snapped up, he hadn't been paying attention.
  "Mother sends her love!" He said innocently
  Lily giggled along with the other first year girls and Teddy howled with laughter. 
   "It's time."
The first years entered the Great Hall and stood silently at the foot of the steps.  The professor produced a stool and a tattered hat with a rip in the front. The ripped tore wider and the hat began to sing.
   "Oh when I was made, the school was separated by four. A wizard brave, A witch with a brain, A witch with a good heart and A wizard as evil as a snake. When I was old and your parents young the school was separated by two. The followers  and the order. I have seen it all. The good, the bad, the trolls, the snakes and how could anyone forget dreadful old Snape? They all tried me on, now it's your turn! Are brave, or wise? Loyal or cunning? Don't delay it's time for the sorting!"

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