New Professor

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  The summer passed quickly and each of the children grew a little more each day. Lily's hair got longer, Teddy got taller and James' hair managed to get messier. They were only going into second year and they were changing tremendously. Soon, the day came.  James, Teddy, Lily, Bella and Albus rose early an are their breakfast in silence. They were dreading the start of term. They were getting two new professors. A new potions master because Slughorn had retired and a new defense against the dark arts professor because the last one had gone bonkers.
  "Excited Albus?" Harry asked his youngest son, messing his hair
  "Dad!" Albus complained "It's messy enough."
  Harry just laughed.
  "What about you four?" He asked "Excited? New professors were always exciting for me."  
   "Your professors tried to kill you every year." James snorted
  "Not true!" Harry said indignantly "Remus never tried to kill me, he just disarmed me and my friends in the shrieking shack while a man we believed to be a mass murderer was in the room."
  Harry snorted at the memory. He still had no clue how he could've believed Sirius to be a killer.
  "Is everyone ready?" Ginny asked, coming down the stairs an odd glow to her face
  "Yes mum." Albus and James said
  The group of young witches and wizards followed Ginny out to the muggle car and got in the backseat. The kids sat comfortably in the car while Ginny drove down the road to kings cross.
  A/N: Sorry it's short! Yes I know in the book Harry is at the station but I wanted to do something different, you'll see soon enough. Hope you like it, yes it's bad.

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