Not an Update!

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Hey everyone, 

I'm sorry that this isn't a new chapter, but as you can see, The Alpha's Weakness has been transformed into Finding Evelyn A Home. 

To me, this fits in better with what I'm trying to write, and that is of a woman who has faced so many challenges in her life, been constantly shunned and squashed down by those around her, and is now finally blossoming within her new surroundings. Sometimes, home doesn't feel like home, and sometimes the people there make you feel like not going home, but in the end, they do care even if they don't say it. So Evelyn is in the midst of finding her home, and through that, finding her wolf and finding herself.

So please don't delete this story from your library! It didn't just pop up by mistake! 

And I partly changed it because some pesky family members found my profile and story and was just about ready to read it- which I am so not ready for- so yeah. 

Hope you guys like the cover, and thank you so much for all the support!! It means the world to me and I just love every single one of you guys who still keep my book in your library even though I take SO long to update and I'm really sorry for that! 

I will honestly work harder and just thank you!!!

Xxxxx EyesShut88 

Oh yeah and I've changed my username as well heheh

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