Chapter 42.

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Today is the day of Nadine's funeral. I'm not ready. I'm not ready to say good-bye. Nadine and I barely got time to ourselves as it was. Unfortunately, life kept getting in the way. Nadine's parents have asked me to perform a eulogy but I refused. It would be much too difficult for me.

Cara is going to be there. She's out of the hospital now and despite being a slow eater, she's as good as new. Helen and Eamon had taken her home, refusing to let me see her, or even hold her. She's my daughter and I have every right to be with her.

Niall has knocked some sense into me about the drinking. In all honesty, drinking made me forget how much of a mess my life was in. Nadine was gone, my daughter is taken away from me, my love life is a shambles and I'm a criminal who can't get a job. But Niall made me see that drinking won't get my daughter back, it'll only things ten times worse so I've managed to sober up for the funeral.

I'm currently fumbling with my tie, in the bathroom of Niall's flat. I've taken to Niall's flat more often than normal recently, due to the fact that the last time I was at Louis' old flat, Nadine was about to give birth and Louis had done a runner on me. It was too painful to go back there, not much fond memories to go back to. Despite everything, I really needed Louis right now. He was my best friend and for that reason only.

I'm struggling with my tie now because I'm over-thinking things. Okay, so it goes over...then under...I finally give up and yank the off around my neck. I was startled to find Niall watching me from the doorway, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Hey." He says softly and strolls over, taking the tie from my shaking hand and he places it back over my neck, under my collar of my shirt. Once the tie is done, Niall smiles a little and traces his finger tips down the front of my shirt, where the buttons were and causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

"Thank you, for being the strongest one out of is this, Ni. Don't know where I'd be without you." I admit and his smile widens.

"Well, someone has to be it." He replies. I reach out to cup his face, the pad of my thumbs gently brushing over his flushed cheeks.

"I love you." I say, gazing into his blue eyes.

"I love you, too." He replies, still grinning. I dip my head and press my lips to his, his mouth warm against mine. He reaches up and wraps his arms around my neck, pulling our proximity closer. We kiss for a few more blissful seconds before someone knocks on our door and he pulls away, sighing deeply.

"That'll be Anne and Gemma." He advises and I can only hum in respond, still feeling his taste against my lips. He brushes past me, leaving a longing ache in my chest while he goes to get the door. Taylor drivers Niall, myself, Gemma and my mum to the funeral service. It's a small church not far from home so it's a couple of hours drive from the centre of London.

I can see the hearse in front of us. Gemma is sitting in the front of the car, with me behind her, Niall in the middle and my mother at the other side but I can get still get a clear view of it. Nadine's black coffin is centred in the middle, surrounded by lilies. There's a lump in my throat as I stare at it and I have to bite down on my index finger to stop myself from crying in front of my family. At the corner of my eye, I can see Niall looking at me so he reaches out to clasp his hand around mine, squeezing it tightly and I flash him a weak, reassuring smile.

After the service, a small after party is held. Nadine's parents are there, with Cara in the pram. She's in one of those old-fashioned prams with the large wheels and the black hoods. The hoods have white frills around the edges and as I look closer, I can see her tucked up neatly in a white, frilly blanket to match.

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