Chapter 40.

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"How can you keep on tagging Niall along like this? I know you don't love him!"

"I'm not tagging him along! You said from the start that I need him just as much as he needs me and you're right! I do love him!"

"Then why did you pick me, eh? Why did you chose to sleep with me instead of Niall that time in New York? You obviously feel something for me otherwise you wouldn't have -"

"Would you listen yourself, Louis? Would you listen to how deluded you sound? I. Don't. Love you. Any more."

There's an uncomfortable silence in which Louis is breathing heavily, his body shaking and tears are streaming down his face. Whether he's trembling from anger or from fear of what I've just told him, I don't know. I just know that I've hurt him really bad. Even though the truth always hurts, it's ten times better than lying. I didn't want to give him false hope if I continued to pretend.

He grabs the duffel bag that's at his feet and then collects his keys, phone and wallet and he leaves without a goodbye.

- - -

I go through the argument over and over in my head. It's been a month since the fight and I still feel guilty with how I treated Louis. Don't get wrong, I get that he had been treating Niall badly since we got back together but still, Louis had been my best friend through thick and thin and now I've just finished with him. It was the right thing to do, wasn't it?

Niall is sleeping next to me and I'm wide awake. Things have been going great since we got back together in fact, our relationship couldn't be better. Cassandra has kept her distance for the time being and I think I have Scott and Sarah to thank for that. They have provided us with so much protection. Nadine is still at her parents house in Cornwall although she sends me the occasional texts and gives a few phone calls to let me know she's all right and the baby is happy and healthy.

In all honesty, I'm not ready to be a dad. Heck, I can't even look after myself without getting into trouble never mind looking after a new-born. I can only support Nadine financially until I get the grips of being independent. It's strange how the tables have turn. When Niall first met me, he followed me around like a lost puppy and looked up to me so much – now it's the other way around. I'm looking to him for guidance more and more and I think I'm becoming better of this new way of life. I'm treating Niall with more affection every day – with what he deserves – by taking him out for dinner at night, taking him to the cinemas, having long midnight walks. We often stay up for hours at night, talking about anything and everything and I'm so comforted by him it's unreal. I trust him with my life and I know he feels the way. We both know where we stand and we both know how we feel about each other and we're happy and there's nothing that can stand our way. Not now. I'm so happy with Niall that I'm afraid somebody – or something – is going to come my way and knock me down again.

My arm is around Niall's shoulder as he sleeps so I remove as discretely as I could so I can stretch my arms and legs under the bed sheets. I'm about to go back to sleep when I reach over to my night stand to check the time. 8:01 am.


I had a job interview in an hour and Taylor was to pick me up. Sure enough, I receive a text from the man himself to make sure that I was up. I groan quietly and remove myself from the bed, trying hard not to wake Niall up. I take a quick shower and dress in my smartest clothes before tying my hair up. As I button up my shirt, I take a look at Niall before deciding to leave him a note in case he wonders where I've went. To be honest, I haven't even told Niall about the interview. I wanted it to be a surprise but I suppose it doesn't matter to much.

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