Chapter 11.

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It's been an hour since I've woken up. An hour since I've ranted and raved to Harry about drugging me again. Now, I'm sitting at a kitchen table and glaring at Harry's back. He's decided to make us both breakfast but I'm furious with him. He doesn't seem to understand how downright creepy and inappropriate and unpleasant it is to drug someone, as young as me. Forcefully, I might add. I just don't get it. If he didn't care, why did he bring me here?

"Sunny side up." Harry says suddenly, placing my plate in front of me. He sits down in front of me, looking dull and vacant. His eyes are impassive as he dips a bit of toast into a boiled egg. With a sigh, I begin to eat my eggs too. That's when Louis appears in the corridor, dressed in nothing but a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey briefs.

"Ooh, something smells nice." He compliments. He squeezes Harry's shoulder as he walks past and grabs himself a plate. It's then that I realize there's only two bedrooms. They must've shared a room together. My eyes wonder over Louis and I can't help but feel a little envious of him. I know he said that he and Harry are long gone finished, that nothing could ever happen between them again but still. Louis got to see a side of Harry that I'd never get to see.

I sigh heavily and wipe my mouth on a napkin. I stand up and head to the shower, unannounced. Once I head into the bedroom, I realize that Taylor's left a fresh pair of clothes for me. I take them into the bathroom and head into the shower. The water is hot and steamy under the shower head and the shower gel smells of coconuts. Once I turn the shower off, I'm about to grab the towel over the railing when the door opens and Harry's standing in the doorway.

"Jesus Christ." I curse, jumping with a fright as I hurriedly step out the shower and wrap the towel around my waste.

Harry's smirking at me. "I've seen you naked before, Blondie." he says sheepishly and I scowl at him.

"Don't remind me." I mumble back. His smile fades and he clears his throat.

"I was just checking that you got the clothes from Taylor that he left." he assures me and I nod, gesturing to the clothes over the railing that was next to the towels. "Okay." he nods curtly and leaves without another word.

Later on in the evening, I head back into the living room where Louis and Harry are watching TV. They're laughing at some random sitcom, both their smiles lighting up their entire faces. Louis looks so small and fragile compared to Harry; but then again, Louis is small and fragile, period. Harry's hand is resting over Louis shoulder, almost protective as Louis sits comfortably with his arms folded, sitting in his lap. I watch as Louis glances at Harry, places a hand on his thigh and he says "We should go."

There's a short pause and then Harry sighs, muting the TV but still watching the images buzz before him. Harry gets up from the sofa and that's when I decide to come out of the shadows. "Go where?" I counted and two pairs of eyes set on me.

"We have a meeting to attend." Harry assures me as he and Louis slip on a jacket.

"Do I get to go home first?" I ask. Louis glances hopefully at Harry, who shakes his head in reply.

"No. I told you, you're not safe out there." Harry remarks and I huff, folding my arms across my chest.

"I don't see how in here is any safer." I point out and Louis laughs.

"He has a point." Louis agrees but when Harry gives him a look, he quietens down and his smile fades.

"Trust me, you're safe." Harry assures me but I'm not convinced.

"I haven't been able to trust you since day one." I frown but he ignores me.

"Order as much room service as you like. We'll be back within an hour." He says, guiding Louis out the room. Louis glances back and smiles warily at me before the door shuts behind Harry and I'm left alone. I swiftly walk toward the balcony next to my room and when I look below me, I see them walking toward the end of the street to turn a corner and that's when I decide to follow them. I grab the spare room key that sits on the kitchen table and take my shoes and jacket and my phone and hurriedly rush out onto the path and follow them. I manage to keep a fair distance between them so they don't think they're being followed. I watch as they pair play-fight up to a cosy-looking restaurant and they head inside. There's a small window at the side of the restaurant so I step aside to peer into it. That's a big mistake when I realize that they've come to sit at a four-seater booth next to the window I'm at, where a woman is already sitting, waiting patiently on them.

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