Chapter 7.

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Even though I receive a brand new laptop from Louis the next day, I decide to stay a few more days. Only because I'm intrigued. I'm interested in what Louis has to say about Harry. They both seemed to have a pretty amazing life together and for some strange reason, I envy Louis. I mean, how can you not? He's good-looking, charming, funny and not only is he very, very smart; he also went out with the most stunning guy on the entire planet. He's got the whole package. But, of course, I don't see Louis like that. He's just a very interesting person.

It was easy to forgive Louis for messing up my laptop, but not Harry. I guess I'm just being stubborn around him only because he used me in the first place. Which Louis said was understandable. I spent the whole day with Louis and I learnt a lot. It turns out that he was actually the one that created the pen drive in the first place. He had told me it was a hacking program. A hacking program that can get into any confidential government information and steal every piece of data they had and wipe it clear. That's why so many "baddies" want it, as he quoted. "It's worth millions." He had said to me.

"What does Harry want with top secret government information?" I had asked curiously.

"That's not up to him, that's up for the CIA to decide." Louis has replied.

The new information had made my brain frazzled and I had let it drop. I decided to take a shower and change into fresh clothes - which Taylor lad left out for me - and I spent the day with Louis.

"So where is...Harry?" I ask quietly, bringing my knees up to my chest as we watch TV. Calling him Harry still seemed out of place. It didn't feel...right. I guess I just wasn't used to it yet.

"Oh, God knows. Out and about. Probably planning out how he's gonna kill his next victim." He sniggers and my eyes widen in sheer horror. Louis looks up and his smirk disappears of off his face.

"Oh, c'mon, Niall. Don't tell me Harry killing someone still shocks you." He sighs and I gulp, looking down.

"It's just...illegal." I say defensively and he sniggers.

"Not for him, it's not. The only time he needs to kill someone is out of self-defense. He's never the shooter, Niall, he's always the shootee." He explains and I frown.

"Has he ever killed anybody not out of self-defense?" I ask curiously. He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it again.

"I don't wanna say." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"He has, hasn't he? That's why you won't tell me." I nudge him playfully and he sighs.

"You're gonna get me in deep shit by the way, I've already said too much." He says.

"It's not as if he's gonna know." I shrug.

"Not as if I'm gonna know what?" A voice says suddenly and I'm startled by Harry standing behind us. I jump, alert, and stand up off the couch. We stand facing each other and his eyes are narrowed at me. Louis' eyes dart between the pair of us and I feel very self-cautious in front of him. "Louis, can I have a word with you, please?" Harry mumbles. Louis stands up and they walk into the kitchen together. I can see Harry talking furiously to Louis and Louis is defending himself, but I can't see what they're talking about. Probably me.

When they come back, Louis smiles warily at me and heads back into his room so it's just me and Harry, alone. "I'll have Taylor take you home tomorrow." He decides and he brushed past me. I don't even protest and argue with him. I watch him walk by me and head down the hall and into another bedroom, next to Louis'.

At night, when I wake up to get a glass of water, I hear talking. Coming from Louis' bedroom. Frowning, I pad barefoot along the corridor and when I near closer, I press my ear against the door.

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