Chapter 26.

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Niall and I haven't talked much since we came home from the restaurant yesterday. After I told him I loved him, he said he felt the same way about me but we've been quiet ever since. Right now, I'm in the kitchen. Niall is outside by the pool edge, dangling his feet in the water. His skin has already turned a slightly golden color from the sun. I should probably warn him about sunburn. With his pale, Irish complexion he's bound to get some sort of sunburn with this weather.

It's probably quite creepy that I'm just watching him from a distance but I can't help it. Ever since I confessed how I felt about him yesterday I've just felt very insecure and apprehensive around him. My self-esteem has lowered and I just feel plain awkward. I know it's just me being stupid and it's probably nerves but I don't remember feeling this way about anybody. Not since Nadine left me.

I know I should talk to him. I should get over my stupid fears. My hands are bawled into tight fists, my nails didn't into my skin against the kitchen counter. Niall has his head titled back a little bit, his face to the sun trying to soak it up. He just looks stunning. Biting my lip, I grab a glass from the upper cabinet and pour some cold, fresh water into it before opening the patio doors and taking the glass out to Niall.

"Hey." I greet to Niall and he opens his eyes at the sound of my voice. I sit down next to him, my feet dangling in the water like him and I hand him the glass.

"I didn't want you to get dehydrated." I shrug and Niall chuckles, taking a sip from the glass.

"Thank you." He replies and sets the glass back down next to him.

"You might wanna watch for sunburn." I point out mildly and he nods.

"I know. I'll be going in shortly, I don't want to stay out to long." He reasons and I nod back.

I head back in some time after and soon after that, he follows. He takes a shower and only changes into a pair of jeans and he walks bare foot along my bedroom. I'm waiting patiently for him, sitting on the edge of my bed with my hands leaning back, pressed against the bed sheets behind me. When he walks past me, he stops and glances at me, eyeing me up suspiciously. He's taking in my mysterious smile and the glint in my eyes, I can tell.

"What?" He asks curiously, as he puts on some aftershave.

"Nothing." I reply innocently but then I subtly pat the empty space next to me, indicating that I want him to sit next to me. He smirks and strolls over and when he's close enough, I take him my surprise and grab at his hand, pull him on my lap so he's sitting on my knee. I lean my back against one of the piles of the bed so that we don't both topple over into the mattress.

(Warning, adult content)

He starts to kiss me, his head dipping down. My hand gently caress his thigh before they settle on his hip while the other hand is supporting us both against the bed post. He starts to kiss my jaw, my back until he reaches the collar of my shirt – which is already unbuttoned – and he swiftly wipes it off my shoulders and I help him by removing it completely so that it lands on the floor, away from us. He hops off of my lap and goes back to the empty space next to me, his hips straddling my other leg. He moves further backwards and he goes to kiss under my chin, my neck, my chest and finally my nipples. I let out a breathy gasp and tilt my head back anticipation. He kisses all over my body, all over my tattoos while his free hand reaches for the hard-on in my shorts and he strokes it, his hand sliding under the waistband.

I let my finger tips trail along his bear back, causing goosebumps to arise, until I find his bum and I start to prep him. He looks up at me uncertainly, his eyes puzzled and confused, looking hesitant and I give him an eager nod of encouragement. I let out a surprised gasp when he stops kissing my belly and reaches down my cock and starts to suck, going all the way down to the bottom. "Fuck, Ni." I exhale sharply as I hear the gagging sounds coming from his mouth and I can't help but grab the short strands of his hair and push his head down a little bit further to cause more friction. His head bobs up down, his tongue lapping against the skin until he lifts his head off my cock and attaches his lips back to mine again. While I'm kissing him, I remove my shorts completely, lifting my bum off of the bed and abandon my shorts next to my shirt.

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