Chapter 3.

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When I go home later that day, I'm still thinking of him. He said "catch you later". Did that mean he wanted to see me again? Or was that only because he had to, considering we got on the same train and all? I'm pondering my thoughts as I fish my apartment keys in my pocket when I get a feel of something else out of the ordinary. I frown and bring something else out of my pocket. It's a little black pen drive. Y'know one of these tiny disc things that fit into your computer or laptop? Those. I bite my lip, turning the device over in my fingers. Maybe somebody had slipped it in my jacket pocket accidentally.

I shrug and slide it back inside before unlocking the door. Zayn is already home from Uni, as always. He's sitting with his feet up on the sofa, dishing out a bag of crisps as he watches a football game, dressed in a pair of sweats.

"Shouldn't you be studying?" I ask with a mock smile.

"Done and done." He replies, sticking out his tongue - which is covered in crumbs. I wrinkle my nose at him in disgust. Both Liam and Zayn's habits are atrocious. How they both have girlfriends, is beyond me.

I slip my hands into my jacket pockets again and realization dawns on me as my fingers catch the pen drive again. That man...with the laptop. He must've slipped it in my pocket while he put his laptop away. Sneaky git. Why would he give it to me though? Okay, I was interested but not that interested. Was he making fun of me, then? Why would he put in my pocket in the first place?

"Ni, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Zayn raises an eyebrow and I blink, glancing back at him.

"Yeah, I'm - I'm fine. Just hungry is all. Think we could order a Chinese for dinner?" I ask hopefully and he laughs.

"Yeah, sure. I gotta do a bit of shopping anyway. See you in a bit." He grins, ruffling my hair before snatching his keys, wallet and a pair of shoes before heading out the door. When the door closes behind him, I sigh heavily and bring the pen drive out of my pocket and shrug off my jacket before hanging it up. I turn down the volume on the TV and head into my bedroom, where my laptop is sitting on my bed. I sit cross-legged on the bed and switch it on.

There's a crumpled piece of paper celotaped to the pen drive which reads; H. Styles in fancy, italic writing. H. Styles. So I'm guessing that's him? What could the H stand for? Harvey? Harley? Hayden? Howard? Howard Styles. No, he doesn't look like a Howard. I shake my head and insert the pen drive into my laptop before bringing my laptop up to my lap and resting my back against the pillows.

As the pen drive begins to load, there's a shit load of files being downloaded onto my documents. Most of them are filed under the strangest names. Scientific names or terms that I've never heard of before. But that's when everything starts to go...insane. More files are downloading. At a rapid speed and I can't stop them. Even when I take the pen drive out of the laptop, files are still downloading. I press control, Alt and Delete and just like that, my computer freezes. The screen goes black.


This is just one of these moments where I want to throw my laptop out my window. I shake the screen of my laptop violently, as if hoping it'd do much good. I huff and toss the pen drive aside so that it lands with a gentle this on my floor. Why would Mr. Styles want me to see this? Why would Mr. Styles want me to download a virus onto my computer? It doesn't seem right. 

I slam down my laptop shut and head into the living room, before slipping the pen drive into my jacket pocket again. That no good piece of shit. I'll be having a little word with Mr. Styles on the train tomorrow...

There's a knock on the door which brings me out of my thoughts. I stroll over to the door and open it, which reveals a blonde woman in a white business suit. A man is standing next to her, dressed in a black suit. Her arms are folded across her chest. "Mr. Horan, right?" She asks firstly and I nod. She brushes past me and heads into the living room, without been invited.

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