Chapter 28.

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I meet Nadine at the hospital as she awaits for another scan, her monthly one. After a couple of hours of panic yesterday, I finally managed to get a hold of her. It turns out that she was out with her friends when Cassandra had lied so she had her phone switched off which was just convenient for Cassandra really, making it look as if Nadine was in some sort of trouble. As soon as I met her I couldn't help but bring her in for a hug, pulling her body close to mine. I could feel the bump press lightly against my torso and some sense of affection runs through me.

I had talked her over the cunning plan that Cassandra had plotted and played and she seemed just as angry and frantic as Niall had. They're both so alike it's no wonder they've become such good friends. Just as I'm hugging Nadine it feels as if I couldn't let her go. Her hands are slung around my back and her chin is resting on my shoulder. It's always comforting hugging Nadine. Like I'm going back to a fond memory that was once important to me.

"Harry, I'm okay." I hear her assure me, her voice muffled as I cling onto her. I finally pull away from her, studying her carefully.

"Are you sure?" I gaze at her and she nods, smiling kindly at me. We sit down on the seats in the waiting area and wait for Nadine's name to be called.

"How's Niall?" Nadine presses and I tense up at her question.

"I don't know." I reply honestly. She gives me a quizzical look.

"I bumped into Niall's mother at the hospital of the day of the explosion...she knows everything and forbade me to see Niall ever again." I explain and Nadine's eyes widen in sheer horror.

"How does she know everything? Did Cassandra get to her?" she presses and I shake my head.

"No. I made sure to keep Niall's mother was safe at all costs, when I met her in Ireland." I assure her and she purses her lips. "Still, I'm gonna find out the person who did tell her and make that person wish they were never born." I add with determination and she rolls her eyes.

"Just don't do anything stupid." she advises and I give her a sideways glance.

"When do I ever?" I ask innocently and she scoffs.

"Nadine Leopold?" A nurse calls and Nadine slowly stands up and I follow after.


After Nadine's scan, I take a copy of the picture and we head outside.

"So, need to go shopping or anything?" I ask curiously and she raises her eyebrows.

"Why are you avoiding seeing Niall, Harry?" she questions.

"I'm not." I retort defensively.

"Harry, go see him. He needs you. If you truly love him like you say you do, you'd fight for him." she persuades and I sigh heavily.

"Will you be okay on your own?" I ask and she smiles lazily.

"I'm fine. I'll just take a taxi back to Niall's and surround myself with food." she assures me and I chuckle lightly. That's my girl. I give her money for a taxi home and kiss her on the cheek and we bid good-bye.

After that, I head to the hospital to see Niall. I'm about to head into his private room, when I stop. Maura's there, talking to a nurse. She has a cup of coffee in her hands, which she's hugging tightly. She just looks plain tired and so exhausted. I wait until she's stopped talking to the nurse and I step forward into her view. When she sees me her eyebrows knit together and she purses her lip.

"No. I'm not letting you see him." Maura says stubbornly, stepping protectively in front of Niall's door.

"I just wanted to see if he's okay." I ensure, stepping closer to the door.

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