Chapter 12.

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I sit with my feet up on the coffee table when I hear the front door unlock and Louis strolls in. He looks tired as he sits down next to me and I smile faintly at him. 

“Did blondie get home okay?” I ask curiously. Louis flashes me a menaced glare. “What?” I ask innocently. 

“His name’s Niall, not blondie.” He corrects me. There's a short pause before he adds, “Yes, he got home fine.” And I smile gratefully at him.

I pick up my phone, which is lying on the arm rest of the sofa. I glance quickly at the screen before placing it back down again, feeling a little disappointed. “What was that for?” He asks curiously, a frown on his face. I give him a questionable look. 

“Come on now, Harry. You were checking to see if he'd texted you, weren't you?” He teases, nudging my shoulder playfully and I slap him away. He sighs, resting himself against the sofa. 

“This is the right thing to do, y'know. What Cassandra said. It's better if he stays out of it.” Louis reasons but I shake my head. 

“But it's like she said – he’s a liability. He knows too much. Wouldn't it better keeping him safe, have a close eye on him?” I suggest. 

“And then what? He falls in love with you all over again? Harry, you're only putting him in more danger being around you. You can't keep him that way, he's still a teenager.” He breathes and I huff a sigh, feeling a little frustrated.  

“This isn't even about the pen drive anymore, is it?” Louis wonders. 

I look up at him, “What?” 

“You have feelings for him, you just won't admit it.” He snorts and I roll my eyes. 

“We've been over this, Lou.” I say. 

“That was before we met Cassandra. Harry, I haven't seen you react so anything so defensively when Cassandra mentioned Nadine since the last time I mentioned her.” Louis says. I don't bother replying to him. 

“Cassandra’s right. There's two ways this whole situation can go. You can test your limits with Niall. You can have Niall be free and he can do whatever he wants as a teenager…or; you can have him here and tell him about Nadine and he'll see the worst of you. It's your choice, mate.” Louis sighs, shrugging his shoulders. 

“Why does he have to know about Nadine, though?” I scoff and Louis gives me his best “are you kidding me?” Look. Come to think of it, I've been getting that look a lot quite recently.  

"Haz, he's gonna find out sooner or later." Louis breath and I give him an annoyed look. Why does he have to know? Why does he have to know anything? I can keep it a secret. 

"Can we stop with the heavy talk? I'm getting a little bit hungry." I decide and stand up. When I turn around, Louis is grinning. 

"I'll order some Chinese food."  

So that's what he does and half an hour later, I'm sitting with a pair of chopsticks in my hand, my tongue sticking out with concentration, and a plate of Chinese food balanced on my knees. My fingers fumble with the chopsticks but somehow, the noodles keep slipping away. Louis is chewing is food happily until he slide-glances at me and notices my sheer difficulty and I'm annoyed when he laughs at me. 

“What?” I ask definitely, watching another noodle slip back onto my plate. 

“Nothing, it's just - you've disabled a bomb, you've saved hundreds of lives, you've fought a hundred security guards at a train station – but you don't know how to use a set of chopsticks.” Louis laughs amusingly, his eyes shimmering. I try hard not to blush. 

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